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40 years of ACCU CERN in the 1980s
Herwig Schopper, 6 March 2018, ACCU meeting
Pleasure to be with you today was user at PS and ISR for many years from1964 Slept in barracks at entrance ACCU worked quietly and efficiently for 40 years in good relation with CERN Management Was an important link of general communication between CERN and the outside world
CERN - Users Relations went through various phases
During whole history of CERN users always felt ‘CERN was their lab’ and ACCU contributed to this feeling An essential change of CERN operation was necessary for LEP approval Which had strong consequences also for Users and ACCU
ECFA took care of interests of CERN visitors
First Phase Small fixed target experiments (SC, PS) Total number of users a few hundreds, CERN staff research physicists about 90, still true approximately Visiting scientists at CERN dealt with by Administration No ACCU yet ECFA took care of interests of CERN visitors 3 Working Groups with 4 Sub-Committees set up in May 1973 Concrete problems: - users taking part in decision-taking - working conditions at CERN - Comparison of salaries CERN- national institutions L Limits of CERN seemed far away (DG B.Gregory) Bernard Gregory
Second phase Unique facilities ISR, SPS fixed target, SPS p-antiproton with UA 1, UA 2 But proposal for SPS on new site, not realized CERN split into CERN 1 and CERN 2 for almost 10 years two DGs (Jentschke + Adams, van Hove + Adams) CERN attracted many more users Number of Users increased dramatically The Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) was established in 1978 ACCU for both labs John Adams, Willibald Jentschke Leon van Hove
Members nominated ad personam by CERN:
ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CERN USERS (ACCU) first meeting, held on February 21, 1978 40. anniversary missed by a few days Members nominated ad personam by CERN: 2 from large Memberstates 1 from small memberstates CERN Management ex officio 0 from Non-Memberstates (Poland, Israel) First public document mentioning ACCU Problems to consider: Short term housing (barracks, Building 5, St.Genis Hostel) Use of computers Medical insurence
ACCU avoided publicity, worked discretly and efficiently
No ‘official’ fotos Only photos from meeting in 1981 At 6th Floor
Third phase 1983 ~ to present
LEP followed by LHC construction and operation LEP approval required dramatic changes in CERN organisation and programmes Effecting strongly the users’ community Many changes still effective today Unification of CERN 1 and CERN 2, 1 DG Only one Basic Programme (all Member states have to participate) To find resources for LEP inside CERN stop many programs, e.g. ISR, BEBC more than 50 % of staff had to change groups CERN budget ‘constant’
CERN budget ‘constant’ since 1981, still true today
Ripples due to Spain, Portugal CERN budget ‘constant’ since 1981, still true today Inflation correction for material budget, not for personnel cost Problem: for a large project the peak of cash flow has to be covered by loans (LEP, LHC, HL-LHC) Advantage: CERN budget relatively safe, no cuts like some national budgets
Rapid increase of users from Member States and Non- Member States
More Users from USA at CERN than European Users at US laboratories Rapid increase of users from Member States and Non- Member States First step to ‘World Laboratory’
Changes for experiments and Users
ALEPH J.Steinberger Changes for experiments and Users L 3 S.Ting Experiments not financed anymore by CERN, Formation of large international collaborations Interesting long learning process of world wide collaboration 4 LEP experiments -> a social experiment many groups, funding agencies financially independent of CERN, Resource Review Committees elect spokesperson 2 guided by strong personalities, two organised democratically All 4 worked!! But the democratically organised became model for LHC collaborations DELPHI U.Amaldi OPAL A.Michelini R.Heuer
Kendrew Committee 1985 UK asked for reduction of 25 % of CERN budget in steps until 1990 or leave CERN UK contribution was 16 % asked to slow down progress in HEP John Kendrew, Nobel Molecular Biology, Director EMBL M.Thatcher at CERN 1982 positive attitude But Problem with contribution: Part of national programm ‘What after LEP?’ Problem ‘solved’ by Abragam Committee
CERN Review Committee Main focus on staff and users conditions
set up by Council February 1986 to review management of CERN (not science programme) high level members, scientists and industrialists Did not know each other, nor CERN Anatol Abragam Chair (F) J.Vodoz, Vice Chair (CH). B.F.F.Fender (UK) C.De Benedetti (I) M. Boyer (E) W.Paul (G) H.Sandvold (N) Main focus on staff and users conditions De Benedetti (Olivetti): CERN is sclerotic (staff turn over only a few %) New fashion at that time: outsourcing to reduce personnel cost Story Spanish Finance Minister Final report December 1987
First recommendation to Council:
Reduce staff by early departure programme Compensate losses to pension scheme No new recrutements during several years Council decision: -Start early retirement programme, no compensation to pension fund - A small number of recrutements about 50 per year allowed for rejuvenation Long term result: Present staff about 2500 With more than users Great achievement!
Second recommendation of Abragam Committee Topic: ‘CERN at the service of its scientific users’
1. Creation of new Advisory Committee of CERN Users Terms Of Reference: Report to Council? Suspend decisions of management? Advisory to DG “ACCU should with a better integration of the users in CERN. …..However, the user committee can only be useful if there is a steady flow of information from and to the home institutes. Appropriate channels for this communication have to be created in each country.” 2.Creation of The Users' Office: welcomes CERN's Users, identifies their needs and is responsible for users’ contracts for Member States and Non-Member States. About 12 staff, enormous work, for more users, Grey Book of experimnets 3. Recommendation to create CERN subsidiaries under Swiss and French law for low grade staff was refused by management, outsourcing instead
New tasks for ACCU Membership of new ACCU First Members of new ACCU
Delegates from all Member States representing their Users community Delegates proposed by Member States 2 members from large states, 1 member from small states Users from non-Member States (ad personam) 2 members representing all Non-MS Users initially, since September increased to 4 members for Non-MS Users Finally representatives of regions: Eastern Europe, Middle East & North Africa, Asia – Pacific, Americas 2 CERN Members, Management ex officio New tasks for ACCU Not only large increase of users From outside Europe with different traditions, style of life, administrative habits, New role of Non-Memberstates (Associate Members,…) Human relations, not just administration
In total 32 meetings of old ACCU + 119 of New ACCU = 151 meetings
First meeting 5 December 1988 my last meeting as DG Second meeting 30 January 1989 with C.Rubbia In total 32 meetings of old ACCU of New ACCU = 151 meetings Enormous work has been done quietly Helped to make users ‘feel at home’ Excellent cooperation with Management (even helping) E. Lillestøl, Chair of old and new ACCU G. Bossen, Secretary Old topics: Housing Computing Insurance Restaurants Parking New topics,new challenges: Access to CERN and safety Transport (shuttle LEP sites, airport, bicycles) Office Space Children Crèche Equal rights of Gender
ACCU will become even more important in the future
CERN has bright future guaranteed for > 20 years (LHC- HL, antiprotons, ISOLDE;…) Not only further increase of users, But again qualitative changes will appear, linked to changes in society CERN becoming a real world laboratory more Member States, changing relations to (associate) Members More political and legal issues ACCU will become even more important in the future To preserve the harmonious relations users - CERN
For all achievements of ACCU
Best wishes For next 40 years! For all achievements of ACCU
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