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The Prodigal Son The Lost Sheep Judgment Of Nations The Good Samaritan

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Presentation on theme: "The Prodigal Son The Lost Sheep Judgment Of Nations The Good Samaritan"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Prodigal Son The Lost Sheep Judgment Of Nations The Good Samaritan The Parable Of the Sower 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300

2 What is the Moral of this story?

3 You should love everyone especially the sinners.

4 What is the chapter and verse of this parable?

5 Luke 15:11-32

6 Summarize the story.

7 -Answers on Separate Sheet-
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12 What do the lost sheep represent in the parable?

13 Sinners.

14 How many of the Gospels have this story?

15 One

16 Summarize this story.

17 -Answers on Separate Sheet-
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22 Who will have eternal life in heaven?

23 Those who are selfless.

24 What does this parable describe?
Respond in detail.

25 Who gets into Heaven and how they get there

26 Summarize this story.

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32 Who helped the incapacitated man?

33 The Good Samaritan

34 Who passed by man that was beaten?
They didn’t help him.

35 A Levite and a Priest

36 Summarize this story.

37 -Answers on Separate Sheet-
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42 Where did Jesus teach the parable of the sower.

43 By the Sea of Galilee.

44 How many seeds were cast out and where did they land?

45 Many seeds; some fell on a path; others on rocky ground; in thorns; and also in rich soil.

46 Summarize this story.

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