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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL SAFETY."— Presentation transcript:


2 GENERAL SAFETY Make sure your instructor is present in the studio before beginning your work, AND ALWAYS GET PERMISSION BEFORE USING TORCHES AND / OR MACHINES. TEACHERS WILL HIT THE ‘LOCK-OUT’ BUTTONS IN THE SHOP TO CUT POWER WHEN THERE IS NO INSTRUCTOR PRESENT. 2. NEVER use a tool or machine that you have not received proper instruction on. 3. Always ask for help when using tools and equipment for the first time, or if you are at all unsure about how to operate something. 4. Do not talk to someone while they are concentrating in their work, using tools or a machine. 5. Report all accidents to the instructor immediately. 6. Focus on your project at all times. 7. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR CANNOT BE TOLERATED IN THE ART METAL STUDIO… no horseplay, running, ETC!

3 Identify any possible threats to your safety, and take steps to remove them.
9. THINK SAFETY FIRST….ANTICIPATE POSSIBLE RESULTS OF YOUR ACTIONS. Before beginning any operation, carefully think through each step that you will take…. learn to anticipate where mistakes/problems can occur. Safety glasses should be worn at all times in the Art Metal Studio. Sharp or pointy tools, tiny metal shaving and snips of metal can fly at your face while sawing and snipping, particles fly out of the polisher, and the heat of the torch are all threats to your eyes. Dust masks or a full face shield should be worn if you are using the polisher. 12. Dress properly for Art Metal: -Loose clothing is dangerous. No baggy sleeve, jackets, hoodies, etc. - Shoes must be worn at all times…no open toes. -Lab aprons not only protect clothing, but they also hold your clothes snug against your body. Long hair must be tied back. Any other loose hair should be clipped down or contained in a hat. 14. Remove all dangly jewelry before using machines.

No food, juice, pop, etc in the studio please. A water bottle with a lid is okay. When using any chemical, use googles, apron, and gloves. DO NOT WALK AROUND WITH UNCOVERED CHEMICALS 16. Be a good colleague in the studio; help others when you can…you might be fighting the clock and need cleanup help sometime too! 17. Economize on materials and time…both are expensive in the long run. 18. Respect all materials and equipment. Use tools as they are intended and return them to their proper place when you are finished with them. Use care not to damage table tops and furniture in the studio.

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