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Strategic Marketing Management | The Framework
ISBN: January 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Alexander Chernev Author website: Supplemental materials: Published by Cerebellum Press | Chicago, IL | USA
Marketing as a Business Discipline
Chapter 1 Marketing as a Business Discipline
Figure 1. Making Decisions Using a Framework
Abstraction Application Trial and error Typical problem Specific solution Typical solution Specific problem
Marketing Strategy and Tactics
Chapter 2 Marketing Strategy and Tactics
Figure 1. Identifying the Target Market: The 5-C Framework
Company Competitors Collaborators Customers Context
Figure 2. Defining the Value Exchange
Company Value Value Customers Value Collaborators Value Value Value Competitors Context
Figure 3. The 3-V Market Value Principle
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP The Optimal Value Proposition
Figure 4. Marketing Tactics: The Seven Attributes Defining the Market Offering
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Strategy Tactics Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Market Offering
Figure 5. Marketing Tactics as a Process of Designing, Communicating and Delivering Value
Designing value Product Service Brand Value Price Incentives Communication Distribution Communicating value Delivering value
Figure 6. Marketing Tactics: Company Actions and Customer Impact
Communicating value Delivering Designing Awareness of the offering Availability of the offering Attractiveness of the offering Company actions Customer impact
Figure 7. The Market Value Map
Target Market Market Offering Customers Product What customer need does the company aim to fulfill? Who are the customers with this need? What are the key features of the company’s product? Collaborators What other entities will work with the company to fulfill the identified customer need? Service What are the key features of the company’s service? Company What are the company’s resources that will enable it to fulfill the identified customer need? Brand What are the key features of the offering’s brand? Competition What other offerings aim to fulfill the same need of the same target customers? Price Context What is the offering’s price? What are the sociocultural, technological, regulatory, economic, and physical aspects of the environment? Incentives Value Proposition What incentives does the offering provide? Customer Value What value does the offering create for target customers? Communication How will target customers and collaborators become aware of the company’s offering? Collaborator Value What value does the offering create for the company’s collaborators? Distribution Company Value How will the offering be delivered to target customers and collaborators? What value does the offering create for the company? Strategy Tactics
Figure 8. The 4-P Framework
Product Value Promotion Price Place
Figure 9. The Four Ps and the Marketing Mix
Product Value Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Price Promotion Place
Figure 10. The Five Forces of Competition
New entrants Competitors Suppliers Buyers Substitutes
Chapter 3 The Marketing Plan
Figure 1. The G-STIC Framework for Marketing Management
Goal Strategy Business model Tactics Implementation Control
Figure 2. The G-STIC Action-Planning Flowchart
The ultimate criterion for success Goal Focus Benchmarks The value created in the target market Strategy Target market Value proposition The specifics of the market offering Tactics Product Service Brand Price Incentives Communication Distribution The logistics of creating the offering Implementation Development Deployment Monitoring goal progress Control Performance Environment
Figure 3. Market Goals and Objectives
Customer objectives Collaborator objectives Company goal Company objectives Competitor objectives Context objectives
Figure 4. The Marketing Plan
What are the key aspects of the markets in which the company competes? What are the company’s history, culture, resources, offerings, and ongoing activities? What is the key performance metric the company aims to achieve with the offering? How will the company evaluate the progress toward its goal? How is the company offering being developed? Who are the target customers, competitors, and collaborators? What are the company’s resources and context? Company Tactics Goal What are the criteria (temporal and quantitative) for reaching the goal? Benchmarks Target market Strategy What value does the offering create for target customers, collaborators, and company stakeholders? Value proposition Development Implementation What processes will be used to bring the offering to market? Deployment Performance Control How will the company monitor the environment to identify new opportunities and threats? Environment Market offering What are the product, service, brand, price, incentives, communication, and distribution aspects of the offering? Executive Summary Exhibits Situation Overview Market Focus What are the key aspects of the company’s marketing plan? What are the details/evidence supporting the company’s action plan? G-STIC Action Plan
Figure 5. The SWOT Framework for Assessing a Company’s Market Position
Favorable factors Unfavorable factors Internal factors Strengths Weaknesses Company analysis External factors Opportunities Threats Market analysis
Identifying Target Customers
Chapter 4 Identifying Target Customers
Figure 1. Segment-Based Targeting
Customers whose needs the company aims to fulfill (target market) Targeting All potential customers (entire market)
Figure 2. Strategic Targeting: Key Principles
Target Compatibility Target Attractiveness Company resources Customer needs Customer resources Company goals Customer value Company value
Figure 3. The Resource Advantage Principle
Unutilized company resources Company resources The company’s ideal customers Competitive wasteland Unmet customer needs Customer needs Competitor resources Intense competition
Figure 4. Customer Profile and Customer Needs
Need-based targeting Profile-based targeting Identifiable customer needs
Figure 5. Linking Customer Value and Profile
Needs Customer value Resources Strategic targeting Target customers Customer identification Demographics Psychographics Customer profile Geolocation Behavior Tactical targeting
Figure 6. Tactical Targeting: Effectiveness
Value-based segment Profile-based segment “Sniper” targeting (optimal) “Slice-of-the-pie” targeting (too narrow) “Shot-in-the-dark” targeting (off base)
Figure 7. Tactical Targeting: Cost-Efficiency
Value-based segment Profile-based segment “Sniper” targeting (optimal) “Shotgun” targeting (too broad)
Figure 8. Strategic and Tactical Segmentation Facilitates the Process of Identifying Target Customers All potential customers (entire market) Strategic targeting (value-based) Strategic segmentation Channel A Channel B Channel C Tactical targeting (profile-based) Tactical segmentation
Figure 9. Common Segmentation Errors
A. Irrelevant B. Heterogeneous C. Not exhaustive
Developing a Customer Value Proposition
Chapter 5 Developing a Customer Value Proposition
Figure 1. Value as a Function of Customer Needs and Offering Attributes
Customer value Customer needs Company offering
Figure 2. Dimensions of Customer Value
Functional value Customer value Psychological value Monetary value
Figure 3. The Customer Value Proposition
Company offering Reason to choose Alternative options Value Value Customer needs
Figure 4. Competitive Value Map
Competitive disadvantage Competitive advantage Attribute 1 Customer value Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Attribute 5 Attribute importance Competitive parity Competitive offering Company offering
Figure 5. Customer Value Proposition and Positioning
Primary benefit(s) Positioning Value proposition Secondary benefit(s) Trivial benefits Costs
Psychological benefits
Figure 6. Positioning Strategies Based on their Ability to Create a Sustainable Competitive Advantage Psychological benefits Positioning Functional benefits Sustainable competitive advantage Monetary benefits
Creating Company Value
Chapter 6 Creating Company Value
Figure 1. Dimensions of Company Value
Monetary value Company value Strategic value
Figure 2. The Key Profit Drivers
Sales volume Unit price Revenues Profit Variable costs Fixed costs Costs
Figure 3. Strategies for Growing Sales Volume
New to the category Market-growth strategy New customers Competitors’ customers Steal-share strategy Sales volume Current customers Market-penetration strategy
Figure 4. Managing Profits by Lowering Costs
COGS R&D costs Marketing costs Other costs Costs
Figure 5. The Profit Impact of Strategic Offerings
Company value Profit Profit Offering A Offering B Offering C Strategic value Strategic value
Figure 6. Economic Value Analysis
Monetary value Company value Monetizing strategic value Strategic value
Figure 7. Analyzing the Total Cost of a Company’s Offering in a Competitive Context
Price Durability Reliability Warranty Service Difference in strategic value Price Durability Reliability Warranty Service Strategic value Purchase price Difference in monetary value Company offering Competitive offering
Figure 8. Creating Market Value through Collaboration
B2B B2C Company Collaborator Customer Value Value Value
Figure 10. Calculating Trade Margins
Manufacturer cost: $3 Selling price to the wholesaler: $10 Margin: $7 Margin (% of selling price): $7/$10 = 70% Manufacturer Purchase price from the manufacturer: $10 Selling price to the retailer: $15 Margin: $5 Margin (% of selling price): $5/$15 = 33% Wholesaler Purchase price from the wholesaler: $15 Selling price to the customer: $20 Margin: $5 Margin (% of selling price): $5/$20 = 25% Retailer Customer Purchase price: $20
Figure 11. Break-Even of a Fixed Cost Investment
Costs Revenues Revenues Profit Break-even point Total costs Fixed costs Loss Volume
Chapter 7 Managing Products
Figure 1. Product Management as a Value-Creation Process
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Market Offering
Figure 2. Product Attributes and Customer Benefits
Attribute A Benefit A Functional benefits Attribute B Benefit B Attribute C Benefit C Psychological benefits Product Attribute D Benefit D Attribute E Benefit E Monetary benefits Attribute F Benefit F Product attributes Customer needs
Figure 3. Managing the Product Lifecycle
Financial performance Revenues Profits Time Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Figure 4. Extending Product Lifestyle through Innovation
Sales Third generation Second generation First generation Time
Chapter 8 Managing Services
Figure 1. Service Management as a Value-Creation Process
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Market Offering
Figure 2. Creating Market Value Through Superior Customer Service
Employee selection, training and motivation Employee competence and satisfaction Superior service delivery Company profits Customer loyalty Customer value
Figure 3. Managing Employee Performance
Recruit Motivate Empower Control Train Inform Company culture Service delivery
Figure 4. Building a Service-Oriented Company Culture
Management beliefs Company policies Employee selection Norms of behavior Teamwork Service quality
Chapter 9 Managing Brands
Figure 1. Branding as a Value-Creation Process
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Market Offering
Figure 2. Brand Association Maps of Starbucks and Apple
Great taste Nearby Coffee My drink Self-identity Fast Friendly My place Home Workplace Great service Energy Indulgence My ritual Consistent experience Convenient Morning Starbucks iPad Mac iPod Connectivity iPhone Innovative Easy to use Stylish Different Sleek design Microsoft Easy to learn Creative iTunes Tablet Music on the go Entertainment Apple
Single-brand strategy
Figure 3. Single-Brand, Cobranding, and Multi-Brand Portfolio Strategies Single parent brand New sub-brand Endorsed new brand Independent new brand Single-brand strategy Multi-brand strategy Cobranding
Figure 4. Vertical Brand Extensions
Price Upscale extension Price tier A Price tier B Core offering Downscale extension Price tier C Benefits
Figure 5. Horizontal Brand Extensions
Price Extension A Core offering Extension B Benefits Category A Category B Category C
Figure 8. Brand Power, and Brand Equity
Branding activities Brand image Customer value Customer behavior Company value Brand power Brand equity
Chapter 10 Managing Price
Figure 1. Pricing as a Value-Creation Process
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Market Offering
Figure 2. The Price Elasticity of Demand
$15 $10 Inelastic demand Elastic demand 20 25 50 Quantity
Figure 3. Penetration, Skim, and Loss-Leader Pricing
Range of unprofitable prices Range of profitable prices Skim pricing Penetration pricing Loss-leader pricing Customer willingness to pay
Figure 4. Competitive Price–Benefit Map
Value-equivalence line Offering A Offering B Offering D Offering E Offering C Benefits
Chapter 11 Managing Incentives
Figure 1. Managing Incentives as a Value-Creation Process
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Market Offering
Figure 2. Incentive Types
Figure 3. Push and Pull Promotions
Manufacturer Manufacturer Communication Incentives Demand Demand Retailer Retailer Communication Incentives Communication Incentives Demand Demand Customers Customers Push promotions Pull promotions
Managing Communication
Chapter 12 Managing Communication
Figure 1. Communication as a Value-Creation Process
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Product Service Brand Communication Distribution Price Incentives Market Offering
Figure 2. The G-STIC Framework for Managing Communication
Marketing Strategy Marketing plan Target market Value proposition Goal Focus Benchmarks Strategy Audience Message Tactics Communication campaign Media Creative Implementation Development Deployment Control Performance Environment
Managing Distribution
Chapter 13 Managing Distribution
Figure 1. Distribution as a Value-Creation Process
Customer value Collaborator value Company value OVP Market Offering Product Service Brand Price Incentives Communication Distribution
Figure 2. Distribution Channel Structure
Wholesaler Retailer Customers Company Direct channel Indirect channels Hybrid channel
Gaining and Defending Market Position
Chapter 14 Gaining and Defending Market Position
Figure 1. Steal-Share Strategy
Current users New users
Figure 2. Market-Growth Strategy
Current users New users
Figure 3. Market-Growth Strategy for a Superior Offering
Current users New users
Figure 4. Market-Penetration Strategy
Current users New users
Figure 5. Market-Creation Strategy
Current market New market
Figure 6. Defensive Marketing Strategies
Price Benefits Stay the course Move upscale Increase benefits Reduce price Move downscale Launch value offering Launch premium offering Source: Stephen Hoch (1996), “How Should National Brands Think about Private Labels?” Sloan Management Review, 37 (2), 89–102
Figure 7. The Adoption Funnel
Awareness Attractiveness Affordability Availability Purchase
Figure 8. Identifying Adoption Gaps
Awareness gap Attractiveness gap Affordability gap Availability gap Purchase gap All target customers Aware of the offering’s existence Perceive the offering to be attractive Perceive the offering to be affordable Have access to the offering Purchase the offering
Figure 9. The Usage Funnel
Satisfaction Usage frequency Usage quantity Repurchase
Figure 10. Identifying Usage Gaps
Satisfaction gap Usage-frequency gap Usage-quantity gap Repurchase gap Purchased the offering Satisfied with the offering Use the offering frequently Use large quantity per occasion Repurchase the offering
Chapter 15 Managing New Products
Figure 1. The Stage-Gate Framework for Developing New Offerings
Idea generation Concept development Business model design Offering development Commercial deployment Gate 1 Idea validation Gate 2 Concept validation Gate 3 Business model validation Gate 4 Offering validation
Figure 2. Top-Down (Market-Driven) Idea Generation
Market opportunity Problem in search of an invention Top-down idea discovery Invention
Figure 3. Bottom-Up (Invention-Driven) Idea Generation
Market opportunity Invention in search of a problem Bottom-up idea discovery Invention
Figure 4. The Validated-Learning Approach
Observe the market Generate an idea Build a prototype Test the prototype Build the offering Learn from the outcome
Figure 5. The Key Components of a Business Model of a New Offering
Target market Market offering Customers Product Collaborators Service Company Brand Competitors Context Price Value proposition Incentives Customer Value Communication Collaborator Value Distribution Company Value
Figure 6. The Path of Least Resistance
Customers with an unmet need (all target customers) Path of least resistance Customers who recognize the unmet need as a problem that needs solving Customers who actively seek a solution to the problem
Figure 7. The Path of Least Resistance
Path of least resources Customers with an unmet need (all target customers) Customers who can be informed about the offering in a cost-efficient manner Customers to whom the offering can be delivered in a cost-efficient manner
Figure 8. The Product-Market Growth Framework
Product development Market penetration Diversification Market development New products Current products New customers Current customers
Managing Product Lines
Chapter 16 Managing Product Lines
Figure 1. Product Portfolio and Product Lines
Product line X Product line Y Product A Product B Product C Product D Product E
Figure 2. Product Platforms and Product Lines
Customer benefits Product A Product B Product C Product D Company processes Product platform X Product platform Y
Figure 3. Network Product Platforms
Company product line Product A Product B Product C Product D Product platform X Product platform Y Product E Product F Product G Product H Competitor product line
Figure 4. Vertical Product-Line Extensions
Price Upscale offering Core offering Downscale offering Benefits
Figure 5. Horizontal Product-Line Extensions
Price Benefits Core offering Offering A Offering B
Figure 6. Product-Line Cannibalization
Competitive offerings Current offering Competitive offerings Current offering New offering Competitive offerings New offering Current offering Cannibalized sales A. Single offering B. Two offerings without cannibalization C. Two offerings with cannibalization
Figure 7. The Fighting-Brand Strategy
Time Price Quality Incumbent brand Fighting brand Low-price competitors
Figure 8. The Sandwich Strategy
Time Price Quality Incumbent brand Fighting brand Low-price competitors Premium brand
Figure 9. The Good-Better-Best Strategy
Price Quality Incumbent brand Good Low-price competitors Best Better Time
Figure 10. Break-Even Rate of Cannibalization
Sales volume of the incumbent offering unaffected by the new offering Sales volume of the incumbent offering cannibalized by the new offering Competitive offerings Sales volume of the new offering gained from the competitive offerings
Segmentation and Targeting Workbook
Appendix A Segmentation and Targeting Workbook
Figure 1. Identifying Target Customers
Define the key value drivers Segment the market Strategic targeting Assess segment attractiveness Assess segment compatibility Select strategically viable segment(s) Define the segment profile Tactical targeting Assess tactical viability of segment(s) Select target segment(s)
Figure 2. The Targeting Matrix
Figure 3. Customer Value Analysis Workbook (Two Segments)
Figure 4. Customer Value Analysis Workbook (Three Segments)
Figure 5. Compatibility Analysis Workbook (Tradesman Segment)
Figure 6. The Targeting Matrix: Black & Decker
The Business Model Workbook
Appendix B The Business Model Workbook
Figure 1. The Market Value Map
What are the key features of the company’s product? What are the key features of the company’s service? What are the key features of the offering’s brand? What is the offering’s price? What incentives does the offering provide? How will target customers and collaborators become aware of the company’s offering? How will the offering be delivered to target customers and collaborators? Market Offering Product Service Brand Price Incentives Communication Distribution What customer need does the company aim to fulfill? Who are the customers with this need? What other entities will work with the company to fulfill the identified customer need? What are the company’s resources that will enable it to fulfill the identified customer need? What other offerings aim to fulfill the same need of the same target customers? What are the sociocultural, technological, regulatory, economic, and physical aspects of the environment? Target Market Collaborators Customers Company Competition Context What value does the offering create for target customers? What value does the offering create for the company’s collaborators? What value does the offering create for the company? Value Proposition Collaborator Value Customer Value Company Value
Figure 2. The Customer Value Map
What are the features of the product that the company offers to target customers? What are the features of the service that the company offers to target customers? What are the features of the offering’s brand? What is the offering’s price for target customers? What incentives does the offering provide to target customers? How will target customers become aware of the company’s offering? How will the offering be delivered to target customers? Customer Offering Product Service Brand Price Incentives Communication Distribution What value does the offering create for target customers? Why would they choose this offering? Customer Value Reason to choose What customer need does the company aim to fulfill? Who are the customers with this need? Target Customers Customer need Customer profile What other offerings aim to fulfill the same customer need? What value do these offerings create for target customers? What are the key aspects of the competitive offerings? Competition Key competitors Value proposition Offering attributes
Figure 3. The Collaborator Value Map
What are the features of the product that the company offers to collaborators? What are the features of the service that the company offers to collaborators? What are the features of the offering’s brand? What is the offering’s price for collaborators? What incentives does the offering provide to collaborators? How will collaborators become aware of the company’s offering? How will the offering be delivered to collaborators? Collaborator Offering Product Service Brand Price Incentives Communication Distribution What value does the offering create for collaborators? Why would they partner with the company? Collaborator Value Reason to choose Which entities will partner with the company to create value for target customers? What goals do collaborators pursue by partnering with the company? Collaborators Collaborator profile Collaborator goals What other offerings aim to fulfill the same collaborator goals? What value do these offerings create for collaborators? What are the key aspects of the competitive offerings? Competition Key competitors Value proposition Offering attributes
Figure 4. The Company Value Map
What are the features of the product that the company offers to target customers and collaborators? What are the features of the service that the company offers to target customers and collaborators? What are the features of the offering’s brand? What is the offering’s price for target customers and collaborators ? What incentives does the offering provide to target customers and collaborators? How will target customers and collaborators become aware of the company’s offering? How will the offering be delivered to target customers and collaborators? Company Offering Product Service Brand Price Incentives Communication Distribution What value does the offering create for target customers? Why would customers choose this offering? Company Value Reason to choose What entity is managing the offering? What are its key resources? What goal does the company aim to fulfill with this offering? Company Company profile Company goals What alternative options can fulfill the same company goal? What value do these options create for the company? What are the key aspects of the alternative options? Alternative Options Key alternatives Value proposition Option attributes
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