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Callisburg High School

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1 Callisburg High School
Welcome To Callisburg High School

Welcomes the Class of 2021!

3 Callisburg High School
Superintendent – Steve Clugston Principal – Tommy Cummings Assistant Principal – Ronnie Wilson Registrar – Johnnie Reynolds Counselor – Lisa Griffin

4 House Bill 5 All students start out on Foundation Plan and choose an Endorsement i.e., STEM, Business & Industry, Public Service, Arts & Humanities, & Multi-disciplinary Studies Once Endorsement is declared, you can not change it until the end of Sophomore Year.

5 Foundation Requirements
4 English/Language 3 Mathematics 3 Science 4 Social Studies 2 Foreign Languages ½ Speech/ ½ Health ½ MAPS Course 1 Business Info. Mgmt. 1 PE 1 Fine Art 5 1/2 elective credits 26 credits

6 CREDITS Each class is worth ½ credit per semester = 4 per semester
You must retake a class if you fail to get credit.


8 Freshman Year at Callisburg High School
I must have… English I Algebra I or Geometry Biology World Geography Athletics or P. E. or Band Fine Art (Band, Art, Theater Arts, Floral Design) Speech/MAPS (Methodology of Personal Success) Elective

9 Endorsement I get to choose 1 Endorsement So… What is an Endorsement

10 Endorsements Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM)
Business and Industry Arts & Humanities Public Service Multi-disciplinary Studies

11 Endorsement Details STEM: Requires Advanced level Math and Science. Math above Algebra 2. Business and Industry: courses related to Database Management, information technology, communication, accounting, finance, marketing, graphic design, architecture, welding, automotive, and agriculture science

12 Endorsements Cont. Arts & Humanities: Political Science, Art, Dance, Music, theater, cultural language studies, History, Fine Arts, Yearbook, Jornalism, and Psychology/Sociology Public Service -Law Enforcement, Health Science, Education & Training, Government and Public Admin. Multi-disciplinary Studies: Straight forward 4x4 admission

13 Endorsement Careers STEM: Doctor, Vet, Engineer
Business & Industry: Restaurant Owner, Welder, Mechanic, Plumber, Accountant, etc. Arts & Humanities: Artist, Actor, Musician, Band Public Service: Criminal Justice, Nursing, Law Enforcement, Fireman, and Teacher Multi-disciplinary: Don’t know yet, none of the above

14 Athletics or PE? (1 full year)
Athletics – require you to be present for before and after school practices-opportunity to be on a team sport Physical Education – a period during the day to learn about different sports and to exercise but requires no after school time

15 Sophomore Year English II Geometry or Algebra II Chemistry
World History Business Info. Mgmt. 1 Spanish I or II P.E/Athletics Elective

16 BREAKING NEWS!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Beginning qualifying Sophomores will be allowed to take dual credit classes. 1 Fall Course (1 in Fall and 1 Spring Course (Elective Course) Students have the potential to earn 45 credits by graduation $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

17 Junior Year English III Pre-Cal, Alg. 2 or Math Models Physics
(U.S. History or Dual credit U.S. History Spanish II or III Athletics or Elective 2 Electives

18 Senior Year English IV or Dual Credit English
Pre-calculus, AP Calculus or 4th Math from choice list or DC Math Environmental Systems, Food Science, Advanced Animal Science, (4th Science) Government/Economics or DC Government/Economics Athletics 2 Electives (if needed) May have early release

19 Goal for Callisburg High School Students
It is our goal to prepare all students to be successful in their chosen pathway and to be prepared both academically and emotionally for life after high school.

20 Think about THIS! Taking rigorous courses in High school greatly increases students’ readiness for college-level coursework! Just think, you could start college with a year under your belt!

63% at two-year institutions 40% at four-year institutions Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

22 “Oh the Places You’ll Go!”

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