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Preparing Environments for Young Children

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Environments for Young Children"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Environments for Young Children

2 Well Designed Spaces Are Based On
Children’s needs Program goals Children’s Interests

3 Goals of a Well Planned Space
Safe environment Promote and support all areas of development Easy to supervise Attractive Encourage active involvement

4 Basic Areas of A Center Entrance Director’s Office Isolation Area
Kitchen Staff Room Bathroom Classroom

5 Activity Areas Block building (A) Art (Q) Science (Q)
Imaginative/Dramatic Play (A) Library (Q) Music (A) Eating (Q) Group Area (A/Q) Woodworking (A) Large Motor play (A) Fine Motor Play (Q) Sensory (A)

6 Value of Activity Areas
Art Area Learn names of colors & shapes Develop eye-hand coordination Experience creative process Library Area Increases vocabulary Learn care of books. Develop listening skills. Block building Area Develop problem-solving Develop large & small motor skills Science Area Develop new vocabulary Understand physical environment Small Manipulative Area Practice problem solving Practice matching color, sizes, shapes. Music Area Develop language skills Experience creative process Express feelings Dramatic Play Area Develop various roles. Develop social relationships

7 Organizing Basic Activity Areas
Arrange by function Wet vs. dry Active vs. quiet Sensory and science = wet/active Art, eating, and cooking = wet/quiet Woodworking, block building = dry/active Sleeping, reading = dry/quiet

8 Arranging Basic Activity Areas
Active Wet Dry Quiet

9 Tips on Designing Your Center
Rectangle is the best shape (23’6” x 30’6”) Your floor plan must have 4 doors (1 main entry, 1 emergency exit and 1 to kitchen and 1 to bathroom) Select 6 activity areas Arrange storage areas in U and L shapes for best use of space. Group quiet areas with quiet areas and active areas with active areas.

10 FURNITURE Durable, washable and stackable Storage units well organized
Chairs and tables child size Lockers and cubbies child size, near entrance

11 COLOR CHOICES Color effects emotions
Studies show children under 6 prefer warm colors Cool Colors Blue, Green, Violet Warm Colors Red, orange, yellow

12 Rainy Day Child Care

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