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Possible Predisposing Factors for In-the-bag Dislocation of Intraocular Lens and Surgical Outcomes of Reposition or Exchange of Dislocated Intraocular.

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Presentation on theme: "Possible Predisposing Factors for In-the-bag Dislocation of Intraocular Lens and Surgical Outcomes of Reposition or Exchange of Dislocated Intraocular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possible Predisposing Factors for In-the-bag Dislocation of Intraocular Lens and Surgical Outcomes of Reposition or Exchange of Dislocated Intraocular Lens Wan-Soo Kim1, Chang-Kyu Lee2, Jung Hyun Jang2 Haeundae Paik Hospital Inje university1 Maryknoll Medical Center2 The authors have no financial interest in the subject matter of this poster

2 Subject To examine the possible predisposing factors for intraocular lens(IOL) dislocation within the capsular bag(in-the-bag dislocation) and to study surgical outcomes of reposition or exchange of IOLs Design : Retrospective interventional case series Statistical analysis method Relative risk T-test Significance : P-value < 0.05 본 연구의 목적은 백내장 수술과 관련해 현재 optimal surgical outcome 이라고 볼 수 있는 In-the–bag fixation of IOL 후 late-complication으로 발생한 Decentration/dislocation of IOL의 predisposing factor 및 surgical management 후의 결과를 후향적으로 분석하고자 하는 것입니다

3 In-the-bag Dislocation
Patient Demographics In-the-bag Dislocation Group Control Group† No. of eyes 39 627 Age (yrs)* 57.2 ± 11.2 58.4 ± 8.9 Time of surgery(months)‡ 132.83 ( From 5.26 to 238.9) N/A Gender (male / female) 31 / 8 343 / 234 Left / Right 23 / 16 298 / 329 환자의 평균 나이는 57.2세였으며 남녀 성비는 31:8, 좌우비는 23 : 16이었습니다 Table 1. Patient Demographics (Mean ± SD) † Cases that didn’t occur late onset complications of In-the-bag dislocation of IOL managed at the Maryknoll Medical Center in 2008 * At time of intraocular lens exchange or reposition surgery ‡ From cataract surgery to visual disturbance symptom onset

4 Outcome index Predisposing conditions Preoperative index
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome Trauma History Ophthalmologic underlying disease Previous vitreoretinal surgery Surgical trauma High myopia (Axial length) Other zonular dehiscence factors Preoperative index IOL type 1-piece PMMA 3-piece PMMA 3-piece acrylic 3-piece silicone Nd:YAG capsulotomy Presence, interval Postoperative index Surgical intervention Best corrected visual acuity IOP Spherical equivalent Refractive astigmatism

5 Figure 1. Types of dislocated IOL
Result IOL type † Time to Surgery 11.3 ± 5.0 7.9 ± 3.6 5.4 ± 4.8 7.5 ±5.6 16.7 ± 4.1 7.7 ± 6.2 Publish 된 journal에 따르면 IOL D/L incidence 1 piece > 3 piece d/t capsule contracture decreasing Plate-haptic Silicone IOL 은 capsulorhexis contracture를 induce 하여 high risk 에서의 contraindication으로 알려져있다 † At time of intraocular lens exchange or reposition surgery Figure 1. Types of dislocated IOL

6 Surgical intervention
Nd-YAG capsulotomy 2 case (5.1%) Interval (procedure to dislocation) : 4.3 ± 3.4 mo. Surgical intervention IOL exchange / reposition : 15 / 23 case 1 point / 2 point scleral fixation : 5 / 33 case Other : 1 case (Aphakic state in the case of pathologic myopia)

7 Surgical outcome State of In-the-bag IOL dislocation
After IOL exchange or reposition P-value* BCVA 0.47 ± 0.31 0.76 ± 0.34 0.0001 IOP(mmHg) ± 3.70 15.94 ± 2.68 0.003 Spherical equivalent(D) -1.55 ± 5.40 -2.26 ± 1.26 0.24 refractive astigmatism(D) -3.36 ±1.14 -1.59 ±1.38 0.22 Table 2. Surgical outcomes (Mean ± SD) *Analasized by T-test

8 IOL Exchange vs Reposition
Fig. 2 Best corrected visual acuity Fig. 3 Intraocular pressure Fig. 4 Corneal astigmatism

9 In-the-bag Dislocation
Predisposing Factors In-the-bag Dislocation Pseudoexfoliation syndrome 8(20.5%) Previous trauma 5(12.8%) Status of vitrectomy 4(10.2%) A long axis 2(5.1%) Surgical trauma Unknown 18(46.1%) All case 39 Table 3. Predisposing Factors

10 Vitreoretinal surgery
3 case : Scleral buckling d/t RRD Axial length 25.32mm (±2.46) 1 case : pathologic myopia, 34.76mm Surgical trauma Iatrogenic radial tear and zonular dialysis during the cataract surgery

11 Relative risk (Case/%)
In-the-bag Dislocation Control group Relative risk (95% CI) Pseudoexfoliation syndrome 8(20.5%) 15(2.5%) 10.529 (4.151, ) Previous trauma 5(12.8%) 13(2.1%) 6.946 (1.748, ) Status of vitrectomy 4(10.2%) 22(3.6%) 3.143 (1.027, 9.618) A long axis 2(5.1%) 21(3.4%) 1.560 (0.352, 6.907) Surgical trauma 7(1.2%) 4.788 (0.961, ) All case 39 627 Table 4. Relative risk

12 Discussion Possible major predisposing factor for in-the-bag IOL dislocation are Pseudoexfolication, retinal pigmentosa, the status after vitrectomy and trauma - Ken Hayashi, Akira Hirata, Hideyuki Hayashi, 2007 by the AAO Pseudoexfoliation, uveitis, myopia, and other diseases associated progressive zonular weakening and capsular contraction are the predisposing factor of in-the-bag IOL dislocation - Howard V. Gimbel, MPH, Garry P. Condon, Thomas Kohnen, Randall J. Olson, Ioannis Halkiadakis, JCRS 2005 Sufficiency time is necessary For considering predisposing factors of dislocation For clinical manifestations Surgeons have to Use techniques thought to be least traumatic to the zonule describe zonular dehiscence during the surgery if it occurs 최근 In-the-bag IOL D/L의 incidence가 증가하고 있습니다 CCC와 Phaco 가 일반화된 현재 백내장 수술에서 대부분의 숙련된 surgeon들은 발달된 백내장 장비를 통해 zonular에 대한 minimal invasive technique를 통해 성공적인 수술은 하고 있지만 late complication 중의 하나인 IOL D/L 가능성을 배제할 수는 없습니다 본 연구의 술자는 현재 많이 사용되고 있는 one-piece soft IOL을 통한 capsule contracture의 증가 incidence 증가의 중요한 원인으로 생각하고 있습니다. 이를 바탕으로 술자는 특히 앞에서 소개된 high risk factor를 가진 환자에서는 large CCC와 PMMA 3-piece IOL을 통한 zonule stress의 최소화를 권유하고 있습니다

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