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How Did Totalitarian Regimes Rise to Power in USSR, Italy, Germany, Spain and Japan and Threaten World Peace? Global History and Geography 11th Grade Boys.

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Presentation on theme: "How Did Totalitarian Regimes Rise to Power in USSR, Italy, Germany, Spain and Japan and Threaten World Peace? Global History and Geography 11th Grade Boys."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Did Totalitarian Regimes Rise to Power in USSR, Italy, Germany, Spain and Japan and Threaten World Peace? Global History and Geography 11th Grade Boys & Girls A-Madinah School Br. Siraj | May 22, 2019

2 Some Changes Worldwide Between the Wars
“Lost Generation” in Arts and Literature Women’s Suffrage Movement Worldwide Depression Economic problem that caused job losses and famine the world caused by: Less demand for raw materials Overproduction of manufactured goods Stock market crash May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

3 Global History – Br. Siraj
Totalitarian Regimes Joseph Stalin in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) Fascists in Italy under Mussolini Fascists (Nazis) under Hitler in Germany Francisco Franco in Spain Militarist Japan May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

4 Stalin's Communist Dictatorship in U.S.S.R.
Joseph Stalin became Soviet Leader in 1924 He consolidated his power by terror & brutality Exiled Trotsky Pursued Great Purge: Killed his opponents or exiled them to concentration camps in Siberia Started a Command Economy to Transform USSR Industrialization through five-year plans Collectivization of farms Established a Totalitarian State May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

5 Global History – Br. Siraj
Elements of Fascism Censorship by Govt. of News Strong military Extreme Nationalism Use of violence and terror Fascism State Control of Economy Blind loyalty to the leader Strict discipline Rule by dictator May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

6 Global History – Br. Siraj
Mussolini In Italy Italy after WW-I did not get what it wanted Trade was slow, taxes were high and workers were on strike. Mussolini gathered the unhappy people around him and established Fascist Party Promised to end unemployment and gain more land for Italy Vowed to outlaw rebellion and wipeout communism He gained power in October 1922 and became Il Duce As part of his plan to recreate Roman Empire he invaded Ethiopia. May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

7 Global History – Br. Siraj
Nazi Rise to Power World War I German War Debts Loss of German Colonies Wish for revenge Weak Govt. Doubts about Weimer Republic Political quarrels Wish to return to strong leader Economic Problems inflation Worldwide Depression Unemployment Leadership Use of Terror & Force Idea of a Super Race Shift of blame to minority groups May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

8 Hitler gained power in Germany
Became head of National Socialist German Workers (NAZI) party in 1922 In 1933 he was appointed Chancellor of Germany took the title Der Führer Established a totalitarian state based on the following: Extreme nationalism Aryan master race National expansion Rebuilt Germany & made it strong. May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

9 Rise of Militarists in Japan
Taking advantage of unhappy national feelings militarist gained Japan with following effects: 1931 attack on Chinese province of Manchuria Withdrawal from the League of Nations Renewed practice of traditions Increased honor for emperor Renewed expansion and efforts to control China May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

10 Global History – Br. Siraj
Fascism in Spain Spanish Military Under General Francisco Franco Overthrew Republican Government in 1936. This led to a civil war Fascist Regimes of Italy and Germany supported Franco. Soviet Union Supported republicans The war ended after Franco captured Madrid in 1939 American volunteers went to fight Franco. May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

11 American Position in the Conflicts
Nye commission fund out that banks and arms dealers made profit from WW-I People preferred isolationism Roosevelt's foreign policy was affected by it. Reaching out to USSR Good Neighbor Policy with Latin America Reciprocal trade Agreement Act Congress passed series of Neutrality Acts. After Japanese aggression in China president broke neutrality. May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

12 Global History – Br. Siraj
Homework Questions 1, 2 and 3 on page 741 May 22, 2019 Global History – Br. Siraj

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