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HRHS Touchdown Booster CLUB

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1 HRHS Touchdown Booster CLUB
The HRHS Touchdown Club is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose primary responsibility is to lessen the financial burden of the football program, including but not limited to fundraising, promotion, support, assistance and any other service that will enhance the success of the program. The Touchdown Booster Club = YOU! ALL parents, family, community members and coaches are members of the Touchdown Booster Club Program. Parent involvement is key to the success of the program. There are many opportunities for families to volunteer or serve on a committee, such as FalconFest, Falcon Card Fundraiser, Team/Family BBQ, Homecoming Committee, Team Dinners, Nutrition support, Senior Night, End of Season Banquet, Gameday Programs, Photography and much more.

2 Touchdown Club Board of Directors:
CEO: Head Coach John Trahan President: Maria Gurule Vice President: Will Powell Secretary: Tamara Spry-Richmond Co-Treasurers: Julie Puentes/Ashley Conover Social Media Coordinator: Ashley Conover Volunteer Coordinators: Kim Kesner/Amanda Smith 9th Grade Representative: Jacquie Hannason 10th Grad Representative: Vacant 11th Grade Representative: Vacant 12th Grade Representative: Vacant

3 Immediate Board & Committee Openings
Grade Representative Job Description: Parent liaison for that age group to the board, ie relay concerns, needs and wants to the board Support the teams well being The person is expected to help with fundraising and the support the organization as a whole. Time commitment: 5 hours/month Falcon Card Committee Need 1 coordinator and 2 additional volunteers at least This committee will handle the disbursement of cards to each player, scheduling with King Soopers to sell, collection of money, track sales and provide selling updates to board and membership. Time commitment: Mid July-Mid August

4 2019 Program Fees $1, Annual football fee per player – paid in full by no later than August 1, 2019 This fee covers game and practice uniforms and upkeep, additional equipment, training assistance, transportation, team dinners, team activities, asst. coaching salaries and other needs imperative to the success of the program throughout the season. The fee can be paid in full by April 2, 2019 and receive either a 5% discount or $50.00 of Falcon Wear apparel OR finalize a payment plan with the treasurers by 4/30/ Credit card / Checks payable to: HRHS TD Club (if paying by credit card, you must fill out a credit card authorization form). Fundraising is available to assist with fees. Additional fees: District fee – paid directly to DCSD via $185/player Financial Scholarships are available

5 Fundraising Falcon Cards: This is our LARGEST fundraiser to our program It is REQUIRED for all players to participate (July 2019) Falcon Fest: Coach / Parent only social event where we auction off prizes, sideline passes and parking passes to home games (including Homecoming game!) and get to know the other families! Restaurant nights: Chick-Fil-A, Parry’s Pizza, etc. Falcon Wear Merchandising

6 Parent Support/Parent Involvement
There are plenty of opportunities for parents to get involved!!! Parents are strongly encouraged to participate with the football program and there is an expectation that every family will volunteer for events throughout the year to ensure the program’s success. Volunteer Opportunities included: Weight room nutrition (donating Premier shakes and Premier bars, water, sandwich ingredients and sandwich preparation.) Fundraising (Falcon Card sales, Restaurant nights, etc.) Falcon Fest (Coach / Parent social event) Homecoming (decorating, parade, etc.) Weekly Team Dinner support (set up, donations, clean up, etc) Game support (chains, concessions, merchandise sales, etc.) Senior Night (decorating) End of Year Banquet (decorating, organizing, etc) This program cannot be successful without the support of our proud Falcon Families!!!!!

7 Here’s To A Successful 2019 Season!
GO FALCONS!! Facebook: HRHS Touchdown Club Instagram: falcons_hrhs

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