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“Water Science meets Policy” Event - 30th September – Brussels

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1 “Water Science meets Policy” Event - 30th September – Brussels
Session 1 – Identification of research and development gaps - Work method List already provided by WGC Session focused on : Giving priorities to issues already listed considering that it takes 7-10 years between identification of needs and results Identifying missing issues Reference to on-oing Research projects GROUNDWATER “Water Science meets Policy” Event - 30th September – Brussels

2 “Water Science meets Policy” Event - 30th September – Brussels
Session 1 – Identification of research and development gaps - Main research areas for GW Climate change (Primary effects of CC and secondary effects due to CC policies). New issues: Issue 9: Potential impact of CO2 storage (quality and quantity) Issue 10 : methodology to assess GW vulnerability to CC (primary and secondary effects), visualisation tools GW dependent ecosystems GW ecosystems Urban areas geothermy (heating/cooling): Pollutants Programme of measures (new area) Issue 1: managed aquifer recharge (MAR) taking the WFD requirements into account. Particular emphasize on coastal zones. Recommendations to policy makers. Issue 2: Interactions between policies options and recommendations including subsurface storages (waste, heat..) Issue 3: Assessing the efficiency of measures in agriculture (including tools) Priority! Priority (vadose zone) GROUNDWATER “Water Science meets Policy” Event - 30th September – Brussels

3 Session 2 – Improvement of research results dissemination
Facts WGC members have a good knowledge of research projects But what about experts at the district level, regional level? Specificity of groundwater : difficulties to communicate, to address policy makers challenges linked to GW Recommendations Help policy makers formulating their problems and to translate to needs. Including anticipation 7-10 years before implementation. CIS Guidance documents should include links to research projects Research projects must include summaries/short briefs appropriate to end-users Prepare and disseminate policy briefs to CIS groups members  circulation to river districts. Network of dissemination : Europe  Member States  River districts, research communities LIFE projects: Make sure LIFE projects use the most recent research results A priority for dissemination as LIFE projects are demonstrating projects. Lessons learnt Structure of the policy brief : simple, template to be developed by SPI, “quality control” GROUNDWATER “Water Science meets Policy” Event - 30th September – Brussels

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