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Princess Nora University Faculty of Computer & Information Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Princess Nora University Faculty of Computer & Information Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Princess Nora University Faculty of Computer & Information Systems
Software Engineering CS385D C O U R S E O R G A N I Z A T I O N Course coordinator Dr.Doaa sami Assistant Profissor Computer science Department Dr.Doaa Sami

2 Instructor Information
2  Instructor: Dr.Doaa Sami Website: up till Blackboard account active  Office Location: Prerequisite: Database Fundamentals IS 220D Credits: ( lecture lab )= 3  Office Hours: Please, respect the prayer time break and office hours. D Dr.Doaa Sami

3 Textbook and Required Materials
4  Text Book Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9th edition, Addison Wesley, 2010  Online Resources: Announcements and handouts will be published via Blackboard or a website (You are responsible for all what are Published).  However !! Remember to take notes ! NOTE: you have to study from the Textbook. Dr.Doaa Sami

4 Other References 5  ”SOFTWARE ENGINEERING APRACTITIONERS APPROACH”, Latest Edition , Mc Graw Hill, 2004.  ” SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AN ENGINEERING APPROACH” , by Mc Graw Hill, 1999.  ” SOFTWARE ENGINEERING APRACTITIONERS APPROACH”, Latest Edition , Mc Graw Hill, 2004. Dr.Doaa Sami

5 Percentage from overall grade
Grading Scheme 6 Comments Percentage from overall grade Grade Assessment Week Assessment method (Write an essay - test - a collective project - a final test ...) 15% 15 7 MidTerm1 12 MidTerm2 10% 10 Quiz 5% 5 weekly Assignment Project 40% 40 17 Final Exam (Theoretical) Marks distribution is not final and is subject to change Dr.Doaa Sami

6 Course Delivery Topics Ch1 -Introduction:
8 Topics Ch1 -Introduction: Software and Software Engineering Ch2 Software processes: -Software process models -Process iteration -Process activities -Computer-aided software engineering Ch3 -Software Project Management Ch4 -Software Requirements Ch5 Object Oriented Analysis UML Use Case Driven Object Modeling Dr.Doaa Sami

7 Course Delivery Topics Ch5
7 Topics Ch5 -OO Domain Modeling With UML Class Diagrams and CRC Cards Behavioral Diagrams: System Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams Ch6 Architectural Design Ch7 Software testing Dr.Doaa Sami

8 Course Policy + agree on the excuse from course coordinator NO bonus
NO makeup quizzes. NO midterm makeup exams unless: You must bring a medical excuses from a government or private hospital or medical center is submitted no later than one week after the absence. + agree on the excuse from course coordinator Then the makeup exam will be in the whole course contents Dr.Doaa Sami

9 Course Policy (cont..) Email Communication:
Anonymous s will be ignored. When you send an , you should use your PNU account make sure to put “CS450 or CS385D" in the subject line and identify yourself Student ID in the message (body). In Subject, you have to write: Section# - full Name – brief description for the , for example: 2C2 – Nora AlAhmad – about lecture time 2C12 – Sara AlAli – about quiz 1 In general, subject should summarize the message. Write your message in English or paschal Arabic (NOT in slang Arabic). Late submissions of any course material is not allowed. It is your responsibility to check the course’s website regularly for any announcements, etc.. Dr.Doaa Sami

10 Rules of email messages
Any contains more than one ????? !!!!! , or هاااااااااااام or أرجو الرد,or any impolite will not be replied. Violating one of the above rules, will not be opened or replied. Dr.Doaa Sami

11 Course Policy Class attendance:
11 Class attendance: Attendance is required and will be taken on each lecture Do not be late ,you will be marked as absent. leaving the class(for more than 10 Minutes) you will be recorded as absent. using mobile in the class, you will be recorded as absent. 25% are allowed for excused absences and the unexcused absences not allowed. Dr.Doaa Sami

12 Rules of attendance & absence
11 if I (the Instructor) late, you have to wait. If the class is 1 hour, you have to wait 15 minutes. Don’t ask me about your absence dates, or the number of absence dates, I will never told you, you have to know your absence dates. Dr.Doaa Sami

13 Rules of Conduct ‍Don’t distract the students. I don’t insist that you pay attention, but you must allow others to participate. This means: Do not distract others with conversation. Do not distract others with your mobile. Do not distract others by using your laptop in front of the class. Dr.Doaa Sami

14 Deprivation System paratoryYear/Pages/Deprivation-System- .aspx The student is Prohibited from continuing in the regular course, and denied entry to the final exam and is given a deprived estimate (h, DN) in the course if the proportion of absence without an excuse or with an excuse from the lectures and practical lessons exceeds 25% Dr.Doaa Sami

15 Thank you Enjoy the Course & never forget to smile  Dr.Doaa Sami

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