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“We are not retreating - we're advancing in another direction.”

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1 “We are not retreating - we're advancing in another direction.”
Douglas MacArthur By: Tai Ruinsky, Anton Scholten, & Logan Sasser 4A “We are not retreating - we're advancing in another direction.”

2 Biography January 26 1880: Born in Little Rock, Arkansas.
1893 Joins the West Texas military academy. Graduated from West Point in 1903. Commissioned as a juniors officer in the Army Corps of Engineers Promoted to colonel (once the US declared war on Germany) 1916: Assigned to the “Rainbow Division”. Married on 14 Feb 1922. Remarried in 1937. : Philippines : New Guinea : Philippines : Korean war Died April 5, 1964 (Washington, D.C.).

3 Significance During WWII
American war general during WWII Commanded and helped the Southwest Pacific (mostly the Philippines) Sent to Australia for a small period of time on orders from President Roosevelt Promised to liberate Philippines and succeeded Successfully became allies with Japan after WWII

4 Philippines / New Guinea
Philippines are attacked by the Japanese: same day as Pearl Harbor attack. Assigned to the Philippines to defend against Japanese invasion. Efforts fail, forces retreat. Roosevelt tells MacArthur to reside in Australia Promises to return and liberate Philippines (“I shall return”) Awarded Medal of Honor for his duties

5 Strategy / Japan Island-Hopping: To conquer and “hop” to greater more powerful islands taken by the Japanese, and leave the weaker ones to “wither on the vine.” Returns to Philippines after two years and uses tactic of Island Hopping. Became five-star general. Truman wants no more casualties for the US July 1945: Potsdam declaration is sent to Japan: surrender or face total destruction. Japan refuses, atomic bombs are dropped. Japan surrenders.

6 Japan’s surrender MacArthur helps to conduct surrender ceremony.
Put in charge of Japan’s Occupation. Lives in Tokyo with family for the following six years. Helped Japan create a new constitution and get Japanese women the right to vote. Helped to rebuild Japan and provide food/supplies for its people. Refused to use American pressure on Hirohito and Japanese. Gains Japanese’s support.

7 Postwar April 11th, 1951: President Truman relieved MacArthur of his duties. Returns to U.S, welcomed as American Hero. April 19th, 1951: Delivers speech “Old Soldiers Never Die.” Considered possible presidential contender, very popular figure. Writes autobiography “Reminiscences.” Awarded Thayer Award. Dies on April 5th, 1964

8 Hall of Fame Douglas MacArthur deserves to be in the Hall of Fame because he was an iconic American General who successfully fulfilled the duties assigned to him. MacArthur protected the Philippines against the Japanese, made peace and helped to rebuild Japan, and was glorified as an American war hero. He was also appreciated by the Japanese. Due to these reasons MacArthur should be in the Hall of Fame.

9 Honors and awards Awarded over 100 military decorations (US, France, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Australia) General Douglas MacArthur leadership awards (US army) Streets, children, a Tunnel named after him Medal of Honor, Legion D’Honneur, Croix de Guerre, Order of the Crown of Italy, Order of Orange-Nassau, Order of the Bath, Order of the Rising Sun

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