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Student Equity Committee

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1 Student Equity Committee
College of the Redwoods

2 HISTORY & PURPOSE To address disparities in areas of: Access
Completion of courses Completion of basic skills & ESL Diploma or Certification Transfer Persistence

Access: Latinos in Del Norte, Veterans, Foster Youth. Course Completion: African-American & American Indian. Basic Skills Completion: African-American, American Indian, Latino, Foster Youth. Degree & Certificate Completion: African-American, Latino, Multi- ethnic. Transfers: Women & Students with Disabilities. Persistence: African-American.

4 Working in coordination with:
Academic Senate’s MDC President’s Community Advisory Committee Equity Director’s Task Force EEO Faculty Diversity Basic Skills Professional Development Multiple Measures

5 Activities already in progress to meet our goals:
Multi-Cultural Center (opens in Spring) Bilingual outreach specialist in Del Norte. ESL class in Del Norte with childcare. Creating an environment where students feel welcome and represented. Creating awareness of cultural differences on campus. Re-negotiating CR’s MOA with the Hoopa Valley Tribe. Professional Development for faculty and staff. Cap & Gown tutors & mentors.

6 Strategies & best practices used by other colleges:
Environment matters. For academic support, offer learning communities and layer support strategies. Student services must be coordinated & integrated rather than working in silos. The colleges are tied to the larger community and offer community justice opportunities. Transportation is a huge issue for students in our region. Many are working on faculty diversity. Ethnic Studies/Multi-Cultural Studies Programs or curricula.

Larger Student Equity Committee meets monthly to learn about new strategies, discuss proposals offered by the working groups, and making decisions around what to include in the Student Equity Plan. Smaller Working Groups meet as needed to focus on specific strategies and activities and make proposals to the Committee.

8 Working Groups (some will include a community component):
1) Promoting Cultural Awareness (events, public images, Multi-Cultural Center, etc.)Heidi, Kitty, Nanette, Tina, Frank, Laurel, Kristy, Kelly, Michelle 2) Recruitment (focusing primarily on Latinos, American-Indians, Veterans, & Foster Youth). Laura, Jenessa, Kitty, Diqui, Frank, Joe, David, Crystal 3) Retention & Completion (focusing primarily on students of color in both basic skills/ ESL and credit courses). Jenessa, Erin, Brady, Tina, Frank, Rick, Kelly, 4) Evaluation of CR’s Student Services Through and Equity Lens Laura, Jenessa, Kintay, Heidi, Nanette, Cathy, Brady, Rick, Joe, Sheila, Laurel, Kelly 5) Faculty & Staff (Professional Development, Diversity, Community Curricula)Kitty, Nanette, Sean, Michelle, David

9 The Equity Committee will coordinate with other committees:
Academic Senate’s MDC; President’s Community Advisory Committee on Diversity & Inclusion; Student Equity Director’s Task Force EEO Equity & Hiring

10 Equity Budget Funding Request Forms

11 Distribute best practices for review before next Committee meeting.

12 Sign up for a Working Group!

13 Presentation by Matt McCann
Retention, Persistence and Performance of Underrepresented Students

14 Student Equity Website:
Funding Request Form Comprehensive list of funding streams Handouts from last Student Equity Committee meeting

15 General Student Equity Meeting, October 14, 2016; 9-10:30
Welcome & Introductions (9-9:15) Brief overview of last meeting (9:15-9:20) Composition of Working Groups & Next Steps (9:20-9:30) Discussion on general priorities of Equity Committee (9:30-10:05) Presentation: Rory Johnson on instruction at Pelican Bay Prison (10:05-10:30)

16 Presentation by Rory Johnson
CR at Pelican Bay Prison

17 Student Equity Committee Meeting Agenda, December 9
Welcome & Introductions Committee Reports Data collection

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