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Ms. Levy English II Room 120.

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1 Ms. Levy English II Room 120

2 Warm up Directions: Write at least one paragraph about the prompt below. The Budget Crisis Should congress cut spending, raise taxes, or both? Explain your opinion?

3 Objective & Homework Objective: We will be able to
identify different types of figurative language in order to use them in writing. 2) identify different types of phrases in order to use them in writing. Homework: Complete missing work!

4 Agenda Intro & Warm up (15 minutes)
Figurative Language (20-25 minutes) Language and Writer’s Craft (20-25 minutes) Make up work (20-25 minutes)

5 Figurative Language Simile- comparison of two things using the words “like” or “as”. Example: He was as strong as an ox. Metaphor- comparison of two unlike things. Example: The stars were a guide to the lost traveler. Hyperbole- an exaggerated statement. Example: I am so hungry, I could eat a whole cow! Personification- when human qualities and traits are given to nonhuman things. Example: The sun smiled down on me as I walked through the meadow.

6 Language and Writer’s Craft
Turn to page 14 in your textbook, complete 1-5. Then turn to page 15 complete 1-3 at the top of the page. Gerunds(ends in “ing”): Verbal that functions as a noun. Traveling to Europe might satisfy your desire to see new things. Participles(ends in “ing” or “ed): Verbal that functions as an adjective.The dangling toy caught his attention. Infinitives(to + verb): Verbal that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb. He wanted to go home. Phrase- whatever modifies or compliments something. More examples on Pages

7 Language and Writer’s Craft
On page 15 complete 1 & 2 at the bottom of the page. Prepositional- are words that introduce information to the reader. This includes where something takes place (at the store), when or why something takes place (before dinner), or general descriptive information (the girl with the cool tattoo). Appositive- a noun or pronoun that identifies or explains another noun or pronoun. Your friend Bill the bully is in Mr. Frank’s class. Phrase- whatever modifies or compliments something. More examples on Pages

8 Language and Writer’s Craft
Turn to page 16 complete 1 & 2 at the top of the page. Parenthetical Expressions- adds voice/editorial comments to writing. Strawberry jam, for instance, doesn’t make a good spaghetti sauce. To give him credit, he did make an excellent argument today.

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