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RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN June,

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1 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN June, 4-5th 2012. Zaragoza, Spain Paraninfo de la Universidad de Zaragoza R+D in Renaissance Zaragoza José A. Turégano GEE/Unizar URBAN PLANING AND SUSTAINABLE REFURBISHMENT RENAISSANCE PROJECT, Zaragoza Final Conference

2 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Total Renaissance in Zaragoza: 4550 k Total R+D in Zaragoza: 1680 k Total R+D en U de Z: 1190 k Renaissance is a project concerning R+D More R+D in Z: ENDESA, CENER & URBIC R&D in Renaissance Zaragoza

3 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Evolution of R+D in Zaragoza (Unizar/GEE)

4 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Weak points Initial budget (and objectives during the initial 4 years) were 50% of the final budget. Has been necessary to adjust the targets in two moments, 2009 and 2011, late in the project. Discontinuity of dwellings occupation. Strong points: An adequate size and profile of the University team An adequate final budget for equipment A well complemented set of objectives The flexibility of the research team has allowed to adapt the goals and expand the field of research with new developments of evident interest in urban planning (URSUS, ISLAND HEAT, ESCo). This has been one of the conclussions of the Conference- Debate organized by IDEA in the recent GENERA / IFEMA The seven years project suppose no more than two for the new incorporated tasks. Despite this limitation, the objectives have been successfully met. Furthermore, lines of continuity have been defined in order to keep the work with residents since it is clear the potential of a project like Renaissance in a living lab as Valdespartera is. R+D in Zaragoza (Unizar/GEE)

5 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN The various scenarios of R&D in Renaissance About 9600 VPO (social housing) About 200 refurbished houses Cándido Domingo School Centro de Urbanismo Sostenible assessment of town planning quality bioclimatic design housing perfor- mance improving users attitude concerning energy consumption heat island effect on Valdespartera microclima renewable energies in refurbishment improving users attitude legal considerations and local normative replication conditions improving teachers & students attitude public information system with users profile and recommendations extension to other schools a Near Zero Energy Building a show of renewable energies in use a permanent exhibition of efficient urban planning extension to other schools

6 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Main objectives of R&D in Renaissance U of Z

7 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Effects on microclimate Passive solar gains increased Cross ventilation made easy Protection against severe wind conditions URSUS & Heat Island Effects (from satellite data) Validation of urban planning And bioclimatic design Winter & summer performance Energy balance Project building assessment in accordance with norms Follow up of construction process Some results from research

8 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Effects on microclima 8

9 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Effectiveness of passive solar gains 9

10 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Protection against severe winds10

11 Bioclimatic design: The glazed gallery in winter sunny days The effect of thermal inertia Daily ventilation foggy days

12 Bioclimatic design: The glazed gallery in summer sin v. n. T: 2,5ºC con v. n. T: 4ºC T: 6ºC sin v. n. T: 3ºC

13 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Heating energy demand (from simulation)

14 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Heating energy consumption (data from 1660 housing)

15 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Where Design and construction defects Design and construction defects Maintenance failures Maintenance failures Management and users Management and users Why Thermal bridges, low quality materials…Thermal bridges, low quality materials… Excessive losses in distribution Excessive losses in distribution Poor regulation Poor regulation How much important Roughly: 70% directly or indirectly attributable to the user and 30% to design, construction and maintenance aspects Roughly: 70% directly or indirectly attributable to the user and 30% to design, construction and maintenance aspects Energy consumption deviations Some results from research

16 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Users motivation for improved attitude in En Cons Some results of research Monthly articles Seminars Seminars Manuals Manuals Playfool encounters Playfool encounters Solar days Solar days …/… …/…

17 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Academic context papers courses seminars Ph D thesis events participation (IDEA / GENERA) General context press release press release public shows public shows professional training professional training TV programms TV programms The diffusion of R & D results

18 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Further actions on R&D beyond the end of Renaissance Looking ahead: The potential eco-city Valdespartera has for a continuous process of R & D is evident: Nearly three hundred probes installed. Energy balance considering consumption of electricity, gas and water for more than 2000 homes. A public place for seminars, exhibitions, debates that the Center for Sustainable Urbanism provides. A partnership and a set of neighbors very involved and willing to continue the effort that it is being incorporated with the final stage. Looking ahead: The potential eco-city Valdespartera has for a continuous process of R & D is evident: Nearly three hundred probes installed. Energy balance considering consumption of electricity, gas and water for more than 2000 homes. A public place for seminars, exhibitions, debates that the Center for Sustainable Urbanism provides. A partnership and a set of neighbors very involved and willing to continue the effort that it is being incorporated with the final stage.

19 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Performed tests involve the implementation of an automatic mode of interaction with users so that from the user typologies defined selected events as relevant to saving actions and the corresponding messages in various communication systems (web, sms,…) it will be possible to generalize the system to support generic users. In web the information is available by user -accessible password After the project ends

20 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN 20 This actions combined with the initial track and a rotation of probes will allow to any interested user a "universal" use once typologies, events and recommendations is completed. After the project ends

21 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN Conclusions Progress in communication with users and investments made under the project deserve a continuity on some of the tasks carried out during the last period of the project In order to make this possible, the next months a series of final works should be carried out for a proper diffusion IDAE + users +GEE agreement to evaluate the Solar Thermal situation. Automation of procedures to make them endless with little or no cost for the current support to Valdespartera and Picarral residents, and schools involved as well Generalization of the methodology to allow the use on public buildings as a strong tool for ESCos. Publication of a comprehensive and detailed document analyzing the operation and urban planning results and the failures and limitations that have been found. These results and operative conclusions will be transferred to local end national authorities as information of interest for future actions.

22 RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco RENAISSANCE - ZARAGOZA - SPAIN 22 José A. Turégano (GEE) Contact

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