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The Ancient World.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ancient World."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ancient World

2 First Humans 100,0000 years ago. From Africa to Asia, to Europe
Hunters Worshipped forces of nature

3 Paleolithic 40,000-8,000 B.C. Cave artists
Lascaux, France—bulls, humans Caves used for ritual ceremonies

4 Neolithic 8000-2300 B.C. Megalithic structures—Stonehenge
Post-and-lintel structures aligned with astronomical prositions

5 Bronze Age 2300-1000 B.C. Began to cultivate the land
Civilization in Mesopotamia

6 Mesopotamia Present-day Iraq The arts, writ6ing and law flourished
Empires dominated the Near East and northern Africa

7 The Sumerians 3500 B.C. First people to use writing
Constructed monumental buildings Music Religion: violence Ziggurats: pyramids with steps to the hereafter

8 Empires of the Near East
Gilgamesh: hero-king of the Old Babylonians Great Flood also recounted in the Hebrew Bible Hammurabi’s legal code Assyrians conquered lower Egypt Nebuchadnezzar II – Ishtar Gate Persians: Darius’ palace at Persepolis Persepolis fell to Alexander the Great

9 Egypt: Religion and Society
Polytheism Pyramids of Giza Belief in the immortality of the spirit Treasures buried to ensure happiness after death

10 The Arts of Egypt Akhenaten: cult of the god Aten
Established court at Amarna with his queen Nefertiti Intimacy in the pictorial depiction of humans Tutankhamen: restores cult of Amon-Re Ramesses II: monumental, richly-decorated tombs Nefertari: his wife helped expand empire

11 Decline of Egypt Kush empire Assyrians Persians
Alexander the Great: Hellenistic culture

12 The Indus Valley 2600-1500 B.C. Unfortified cities
System of writing, terracotta sculpture Aryans conquered 1500 B.C. Vedas: religious texts Hinduism

13 China The Bronze Age Shang dynasty (1700-1100 B.C.)
Carved jade, cast bronze Zhou ( B.C.)

14 Minoan Civilization Crete (2500-1250 B.C.) Palace-cities
Artisans: jewelry, figurines Women unusually free and equal

15 Mycenaean Civilization
Greek mainland ( B.C.) Mycenaens: warriors and pirates Treasure found in Mycenae includes the “Mask of Agamemnon” After Trojan War, Mycenae fell

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