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Hypothesis for development of Tibetan rift systems

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1 Hypothesis for development of Tibetan rift systems
This led to developing the following hypothesis for the evolution of the Tibetan grabens. In the following slides the cross section is on top and the map pattern below, where the rifts initiate with development of a breakaway fault as a typical half graben system with internally drained conditions located in the central region of the rift basin. As extension increases, the breakaway fault gets back rotated to a low angle, becomes abandoned and a new breakaway fault is initiated. With tectonic unloading at depth, the footwall undergoes isostatic rebound, resulting in upwarping of the detachment and uplift of the hanging wall basin and migration of the active depocenters toward the rift tips. With further extension, mylonitic rocks get exhumed to the surface and locally, the locus of active faulting steps basin ward, resulting in basin cannibalism, and narrowing of the rift valley with progressive extension.

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