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Author’s Viewpoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Author’s Viewpoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author’s Viewpoint

2 Author’s Viewpoint The author’s opinion about a topic.
How the author feels about a topic.

3 Directions Read the passage. Look at the choices.
Choose the best answer. Write your answer on the whiteboard.

4 What is the author’s viewpoint about gym class?
I wonder who made gym class mandatory? He was a great guy!  It is a welcome break from sitting in chairs. In a recent poll, gym class was the favorite subject of elementary students. I wish there was gym class more often! positive negative

5 Try Again! Remember, the author’s viewpoint tells how s/he feels about a subject. Look at his/her word choices for help.

6 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

7 What is the author’s viewpoint about gym class?
Gym class is such a waste of time! What is gym class good for anyway? Students are better off learning to read and do math. Some students have expressed what a pain it is to remember to wear sneakers once a week. positive negative

8 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

9 What is the author’s viewpoint about bees?
 Many people don’t like bees. However, without these helpful insects, we would not have many of our favorite flowers or fruits. When bees drink nectar from flowers, they carry away pollen. Bees leave the pollen on the next plant they visit. This helps create necessary new plants. positive negative

10 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

11 What is the author’s viewpoint about bees?
Many people don’t like bees. They are afraid of being stung. Lots of people are even allergic to bee stings. Then, they get a rash or take medicine if they get stung. Bees are always bothersome on a terrific summer day! positive negative

12 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

13 What is the author’s viewpoint about full day kindergarten?
The average school day for kindergarteners is getting longer, and it's paying off in improved reading skills. This improvement will continue from elementary school to HS. These children will be able to get better jobs when they are adults. Favors full day Not in favor of full day

14 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

15 What is the author’s viewpoint about full day kindergarten?
The trend toward full day kindergarten programs in public schools is taking its toll on today’s young children.  Recent studies showing improved reading skills may be misleading. The improvement in reading is unlikely to carry on as these children progress through elementary school.  Favors full day Not in favor of full day

16 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

17 What is the author’s viewpoint on people’s relationship with dolphins?
Many cities have aquariums that have adopted orphaned dolphins found in the ocean.  Many of these dolphins  were wounded and would not have  survived alone.  Because of the  kindness of humans these animals  are alive today. People help dolphins. People hurt dolphins.

18 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

19 What is the author’s viewpoint on people’s relationship with dolphins?
Dolphins have suffered from the carelessness of humans.  Many dolphins are killed each year in fishing nets. Oil has been spilled into ocean water, polluting the dolphins' environment. People help dolphins. People hurt dolphins.

20 You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!
That’s Correct! You sure are smart about author’s viewpoint!

21 Congratulations! You have learned that the author’s word choices show how he/she feels about a topic!

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