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Make sure you write down the info in slides 1-4

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Presentation on theme: "Make sure you write down the info in slides 1-4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make sure you write down the info in slides 1-4

2 Functions of the Systems---What’s Your Job???
Reproductive Urinary Endocrine Procreation Maintains homeostasis by producing, storing, and eliminating urine Regulates growth & development, metabolism, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood What’s that? Hom/eo- = same -stasis = maintaining a constant level

3 Working with the Reproductive System
Endocrine System Urinary (Excretory) System Estrogens & Progesterone control the production & the development of ova in ♀ and secondary sexual characteristics in ♀ Testosterone controls the development of sperm and secondary sexual characteristics in ♂ Placental hormones maintain pregnancy The ♂ urethra transports both urine and sperm Kidneys compensate for fluid loss in the reproductive system Pregnancy results in fluid retention, so kidneys compensate by working harder to eliminate excess fluid Fetus causes bladder compression resulting in messages to the brain initiating frequent and urgent urination Notice the Male and Female symbols ♀ : F ♂: M F= prim & proper, M= looks like baby boy urinating

4 Which organs overlap systems?
Urethra (♂ Reproductive System and Urinary System) Testis (♂ Reproductive System and Endocrine System) Ovary (♀ Reproductive System and Endocrine System) Placenta (♀ Reproductive System and Endocrine System during pregnancy only) Adrenal Gland (Endocrine System and Urinary System)

5 Highlight or underline the following important terms in your drawing:
♂ Reproductive System ♀ Reproductive System Urinary System Endocrine System Testes Ovary Adrenal Glands Pineal Gland Scrotum Fimbriae Kidney Pituitary Gland Epididymis Uterus Urinary Bladder Thyroid Gland Vas (ductus) Deferens Cervix Urethra Parathyroid Gland Seminal Vesicles Vagina Urinary Meatus (External Urethral Orifice) Thymus Ejaculatory Ducts Labia Majora Adrenal Gland Prostate Gland Labia Minora Pancreas Cowper’s (Bulbourethral) Glands Fallopian Tube Breast (not in drawing) Testis Penis Placenta (not in drawing) Para- = around Orifice = opening to outside of body Labi- = lip

6 Urinary System


8 ♀ Reproductive System

9 Fallopian Tube Labia Minora Labia Majora

10 Write the answers down on your paper
Label D E F G H A B C

11 Breast – Midsagittal View

12 ♂ Reproductive System

13 Label J I E F H G

14 Label

15 Make Flashcards For Each Important Term In The Drawing (highlighted)
Objectives: 1. Label & Describe each part of the ♂ & ♀ RS 2. Trace the pathway of sperm from spermatogenesis to where fertilization occurs

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