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Inorganic Nomenclature

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1 Inorganic Nomenclature
lithium nitrate lead (II) sulfide lithium nitride barium sulfide Chemistry lithium nitrite sulfur dioxide Unit 4 Part 2: Bonding and Inorganic Nomenclature NaClO3 NO2 Fe(ClO3)2 N2O4 Fe(ClO3)3 N2O5 PowerPoint Presentation by Mr. John Bergmann

2 atoms that stay together
Chemical Bonding Ionic Bonds: atoms give up or gain e– and are attracted to each other by coulombic attraction loses e– gains e– Na Na1+ Cl Cl1– Na Cl1– NaCl ionic compounds = salts K NO31– KNO3 where NO31– is a polyatomic ion: a charged group of atoms that stay together

3 Properties of Salts 1. very hard – each ion is bonded to several oppositely -charged ions 2. high melting points – many bonds must be broken 3. brittle – with sufficient force, like atoms are brought next to each other and repel calcite

4 Covalent Bonds …atoms share e– to get a full valence shell C 1s2 2s2 2p2 (4 v.e–) F 1s2 2s2 2p5 (7 v.e–) both need 8 v.e– for a full outer shell (octet rule) Lewis structure: a model of a covalent molecule that shows all of the valence e– 1. Two shared e– make a single covalent bond, four make a double bond, etc. 2. unshared pairs: pairs of unbonded valence e– 3. Each atom needs a full outer shell, i.e., 8 e–. Exception: H needs 2 e–

5 carbon tetrafluoride (CF4)
x F x F x F o C x F o C x F x F x F x F methane (CH4) H x H x x H o C H x o C x H H x H x x H

6 nitrogen triiodide (NI3)
x I x I o N o x I x I o N o x I x I carbon dioxide (CO2) o C x O x O o C x O O = C = O x x x O

7 covalent compounds = molecular compounds
-- have lower melting points than do ionic compounds (consist of two nonmetal elements) butter

8 In metals, valence shells of atoms overlap, so v.e–
Metallic Bonds In metals, valence shells of atoms overlap, so v.e– are free to travel between atoms through material. In insulators (like wood), the v.e– are attached to particular atoms. Not so in metals.

9 All due to free-moving v.e–.
Properties of Metals conduct heat and electricity ductile malleable All due to free-moving v.e–.

10 Other Types of Bonds DNA boiling H2O dipole-dipole forces hydrogen bonds London dispersion forces ion-dipole forces These are much weaker than ionic, covalent, or metallic bonds, but very important in determining states of matter, boiling and melting points, and molecular shape (among other things).

11 Writing Formulas of Ionic Compounds
chemical formula: has neutral charge; shows types of atoms and how many of each To write an ionic compound’s formula, we need: 1. the two types of ions (i.e., “pink” and “blue”) 2. the charge on each ion Na1+ and F1– NaF Ba2+ and O2– BaO Na1+ and O2– Na2O Ba2+ and F1– BaF2

12 charge on cation / anion “becomes” subscript of anion / cation
criss-cross rule: charge on cation / anion “becomes” subscript of anion / cation ** Warning: Reduce to lowest terms. Al3+ and O2– Ba2+ and S2– In3+ and Br1– 3 2 2 2 3 1 Al O Ba S In Br Al2O3 BaS InBr3

13 Writing Formulas w/Polyatomic Ions
Parentheses are required only when you need more than one “bunch” of a particular polyatomic ion. Ba2+ and SO42– BaSO4 Mg2+ and NO21– Mg(NO2)2 NH41+ and ClO31– NH4ClO3 Sn4+ and SO42– Sn(SO4)2 Fe3+ and Cr2O72– Fe2(Cr2O7)3 NH41+ and N3– (NH4)3N

14 Inorganic Nomenclature
sodium hydroxide NaOH potassium nitrate KNO3 copper (II) sulfate Cu2SO4 dinitrogen monoxide N2O

15 Ionic Compounds (cation/anion combos)
Single-Charge Cations with Elemental Anions i.e., “pulled off the Table” anions The single-charge cations are: groups 1, 2, 13, and Ag1+, Cd2+, and Zn2+

16 Na A. To name, given the formula: Ba 1. Use name of cation. 2. Use name of anion (it has the ending “ide”). NaF sodium fluoride BaO barium oxide Na2O sodium oxide BaF2 barium fluoride

17 Zn Ca Ag B. To write formula, given the name: 1. Write symbols for the two types of ions. 2. Balance charges to write formula. silver sulfide Ag1+ S2– Ag2S zinc phosphide Zn2+ P3– Zn3P2 calcium iodide Ca2+ I1– CaI2

18 Multiple-Charge Cations with Elemental Anions
i.e., “pulled off the Table” anions The multiple-charge cations are: Pb, Sn, and the transition elements (but – of course! – not Ag, Cd, or Zn)

19 A. To name, given the formula:
Cu Fe Figure out charge on cation. 2. Write name of cation. 3. Write Roman numerals in ( ) to show cation’s charge. Stock System of nomenclature 4. Write name of anion. FeO iron oxide Fe? Fe2+ O2– iron (II) oxide Fe2O3 Fe? iron oxide Fe3+ Fe? Fe3+ O2– O2– O2– iron (III) oxide CuBr copper bromide Cu? Cu1+ Br1– copper (I) bromide CuBr2 Cu? copper bromide Cu2+ Br1– Br1– copper (II) bromide

20 B. To find the formula, given the name:
1. Write symbols for the two types of ions. 2. Balance charges to write formula. Co Sn cobalt (III) chloride Co3+ Cl1– CoCl3 tin (IV) oxide Sn4+ O2– SnO2 tin (II) oxide Sn2+ O2– SnO

21 Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions
Insert name of ion where it should go in the compound’s name. Write formulas: iron (III) nitrite iron (III) nitrite Fe3+ NO21– Fe(NO2)3 ammonium phosphide ammonium phosphide NH41+ P3– (NH4)3P ammonium chlorate ammonium chlorate NH41+ ClO31– NH4ClO3 zinc phosphate zinc phosphate Zn2+ PO43– Zn3(PO4)2 lead (II) permanganate lead (II) permanganate Pb2+ MnO41– Pb(MnO4)2

22 Write names: (NH4)2SO2 (NH4)2SO2 ammonium hyposulfite AgBrO2 AgBrO2
silver bromite (NH4)3N (NH4)3N ammonium nitride Mn(CrO4)2 Mn(CrO4)2 Mn4+ Mn? CrO42– manganese (IV) chromate CrO42– Cr2(SO2)3 Cr2(SO2)3 Cr3+ Cr? SO32– chromium (III) hyposulfite Cr? Cr3+ SO32– SO32–

23 Use Greek prefixes to indicate how many atoms of each element, but
Covalent Compounds -- contain two types of nonmetals nonmetals ** Key: FORGET CHARGES! What to do: Use Greek prefixes to indicate how many atoms of each element, but don’t use “mono” on first element. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – mono hexa di hepta tri octa tetra nona penta dec

24 EXAMPLES: carbon dioxide CO2 CO carbon monoxide dinitrogen trioxide N2O3 N2O5 dinitrogen pentoxide carbon tetrachloride CCl4 NI3 nitrogen triiodide

25 A Tale of Danger and Irresponsibility
Dihydrogen Monoxide: A Tale of Danger and Irresponsibility -- major component of acid rain -- found in all cancer cells -- inhalation can be deadly -- excessive ingestion results in acute physical symptoms: e.g., frequent urination, bloated sensation, profuse sweating -- often an industrial byproduct of chemical reactions; dumped wholesale into rivers and lakes

26 Traditional System of Nomenclature
(i.e., NOT the Stock System) …used historically (and still some today) to name compounds w/multiple-charge cations Fe Cu Sn Au Pb To use: 1. Use Latin root of cation. 2. Use -ic ending for higher charge; -ous ending for lower charge. 3. Then say name of anion, as usual.

27 plumbic phosphide plumbous phosphide stannic chloride
Element Latin root -ic -ous gold, Au aur- Au3+ Au1+ lead, Pb plumb- Pb4+ Pb2+ tin, Sn stann- Sn4+ Sn2+ copper, Cu cupr- Cu2+ Cu1+ iron, Fe ferr- Fe3+ Fe2+ Write formulas: Write names: P3– P3– cuprous sulfide cuprous sulfide Pb3P4 Pb3P4 Pb4+ Pb? Pb4+ Pb? Pb? Pb4+ P3– P3– plumbic phosphide Cu1+ S2– Cu2S auric nitride auric nitride Pb3P2 Pb3P2 Pb? Pb2+ Pb? Pb2+ Pb? Pb2+ P3– P3– plumbous phosphide Au3+ N3– AuN Cl1– ferrous fluoride ferrous fluoride SnCl4 SnCl4 Sn? Sn4+ Cl1– Cl1– Cl1– stannic chloride Fe2+ F1– FeF2

28 and type of atoms in a m’cule
Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula lowest-terms formula shows the true number and type of atoms in a m’cule Compound Molecular Formula Empirical Formula glucose C6H12O6 propane C3H8 butane C4H10 naphthalene C10H8 sucrose C12H22O11 octane C8H18 CH2O C3H8 C2H5 C5H4 C12H22O11 C4H9

29 Empirical Formulas Empirical Formulas
How can you calculate the empirical formula of a compound? Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

30 Empirical Formulas The empirical formula of a compound gives the lowest whole-number ratio of the atoms or moles of the elements in a compound. An empirical formula may or may not be the same as a molecular formula. For example, the lowest ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in hydrogen peroxide is 1:1. Thus, the empirical formula of hydrogen peroxide is HO. The molecular formula, H2O2, has twice the number of atoms as the empirical formula. Notice that the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is still the same, 1:1. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

31 Empirical Formulas For carbon dioxide, the empirical and molecular
are the same— CO2. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

32 Empirical Formulas The figure below shows two compounds of carbon and hydrogen having the same empirical formula (CH) but different molecular formulas. Ethyne (C2H2), also called acetylene, is a gas used in welders’ torches. Styrene (C8H8) is used in making polystyrene. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

33 Empirical Formulas The percent composition of a compound can be used to calculate the empirical formula of that compound. The percent composition tells the ratio of masses of the elements in a compound. The ratio of masses can be changed to ratio of moles by using conversion factors based on the molar mass of each element. The mole ratio is then reduced to the lowest whole-number ratio to obtain the empirical formula of the compound. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

34 Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound
Sample Problem 10.12 Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound A compound is analyzed and found to contain 25.9% nitrogen and 74.1% oxygen. What is the empirical formula of the compound? Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

35 Analyze List the knowns and the unknown.
Sample Problem 10.12 Analyze List the knowns and the unknown. 1 The percent composition gives the ratio of the mass of nitrogen atoms to the mass of oxygen atoms in the compound. Change the ratio of masses to a ratio of moles and reduce this ratio to the lowest whole-number ratio. KNOWNS percent by mass of N = 25.9% N percent by mass of O = 74.1% O UNKNOWN empirical formula = N?O? Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

36 Calculate Solve for the unknown.
Sample Problem 10.12 Calculate Solve for the unknown. 2 Convert the percent by mass of each element to moles. Percent means “parts per 100,” so g of the compound contains 25.9 g N and 74.1 g O. 25.9 g N × 1 mol N 14.0 g N = 1.85 mol N 74.1 g O × 1 mol O 16.0 g O = 4.63 mol O The mole ratio of N to O is N1.85O4.63. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

37 Calculate Solve for the unknown.
Sample Problem 10.12 Calculate Solve for the unknown. 2 Divide each molar quantity by the smaller number of moles to get 1 mol for the element with the smaller number of moles. 1.85 mol N 1.85 = 1 mol N 4.63 mol O 1.85 = 2.50 mol O The mole ratio of N to O is N1O2.5. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

38 Calculate Solve for the unknown.
Sample Problem 10.12 Calculate Solve for the unknown. 2 Multiply each part of the ratio by the smallest whole number that will convert both subscripts to whole numbers. 1 mol N × 2 = 2 mol N 2.5 mol O × 2 = 5 mol O The empirical formula is N2O5. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

39 Evaluate Does the result make sense?
Sample Problem 10.12 Evaluate Does the result make sense? 3 The subscripts are whole numbers, and the percent composition of this empirical formula equals the percents given in the original problem. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

40 Molecular Formulas Molecular Formulas
How does the molecular formula of a compound compare with the empirical formula? Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

41 Comparison of Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Interpret Data Ethyne and benzene have the same empirical formula—CH. Comparison of Empirical and Molecular Formulas Formula (name) Classification of formula Molar mass (g/mol) CH Empirical 13 C2H2 (ethyne) Molecular 26 (2 × 13) C6H6 (benzene) 78 (6 × 13) CH2O (methanol) Empirical and molecular 30 C2H4O2 (ethanoic acid) 60 (2 × 30) C6H12O6 (glucose) 180 (6 × 30) Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

42 Comparison of Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Interpret Data Methanal, ethanoic acid, and glucose have the same empirical formula—CH2O. Comparison of Empirical and Molecular Formulas Formula (name) Classification of formula Molar mass (g/mol) CH Empirical 13 C2H2 (ethyne) Molecular 26 (2 × 13) C6H6 (benzene) 78 (6 × 13) CH2O (methanal) Empirical and molecular 30 C2H4O2 (ethanoic acid) 60 (2 × 30) C6H12O6 (glucose) 180 (6 × 30) Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

43 Comparison of Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Interpret Data Notice that the molar masses of the compounds in these two groups are simple whole-number multiples of the molar masses of the empirical formulas, CH and CH2O. Comparison of Empirical and Molecular Formulas Formula (name) Classification of formula Molar mass (g/mol) CH Empirical 13 C2H2 (ethyne) Molecular 26 (2 × 13) C6H6 (benzene) 78 (6 × 13) CH2O (methanal) Empirical and molecular 30 C2H4O2 (ethanoic acid) 60 (2 × 30) C6H12O6 (glucose) 180 (6 × 30) Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

44 Molecular Formulas Methanal (formaldehyde), ethanoic acid (acetic acid), and glucose have the same empirical formula—CH2O. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

45 Molecular Formulas The molecular formula of a compound is either the same as its experimentally determined empirical formula, or it is a simple whole-number multiple of its empirical formula. Once you have determined the empirical formula of a compound, you can determine its molecular formula, if you know the compound’s molar mass. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

46 Molecular Formulas You can calculate the empirical formula mass (efm) of a compound from its empirical formula. This is simply the molar mass of the empirical formula. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

47 Molecular Formulas You can calculate the empirical formula mass (efm) of a compound from its empirical formula. Then you can divide the experimentally determined molar mass by the empirical formula mass. This quotient gives the number of empirical formula units in a molecule of the compound and is the multiplier to convert the empirical formula to the molecular formula. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

48 Finding the Molecular Formula of a Compound
Sample Problem 10.13 Finding the Molecular Formula of a Compound Calculate the molecular formula of a compound whose molar mass is 60.0 g/mol and empirical formula is CH4N. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

49 Analyze List the knowns and the unknown.
Sample Problem 10.13 Analyze List the knowns and the unknown. 1 Divide the molar mass by the empirical formula mass to obtain a whole number. Multiply the empirical formula subscripts by this value to get the molecular formula. KNOWNS empirical formula = CH4N molar mass = 60.0 g/mol UNKNOWN molecular formula = C?H?N? Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

50 Calculate Solve for the unknown.
Sample Problem 10.13 Calculate Solve for the unknown. 2 First calculate the empirical formula mass. efm of CH4N = 12.0 g/mol + 4(1.0 g/mol) g/mol = 30.0 g/mol Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

51 Calculate Solve for the unknown.
Sample Problem 10.13 Calculate Solve for the unknown. 2 Divide the molar mass by the empirical formula mass. molar mass efm = 60.0 g/mol 30.0 g/mol = 2 Multiply the formula subscripts by this value. (CH4N) × 2 = C2H8N2 Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

52 Evaluate Does the result make sense?
Sample Problem 10.13 Evaluate Does the result make sense? 3 The molecular formula has the molar mass of the compound. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. .

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