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Types of Government Mr. Rhodes.

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1 Types of Government Mr. Rhodes

2 Major Types of Government
There are three basics groups all governments fall into Autocracy – rule by one Oligarchy – rule by a few persons Democracy – rule by many persons

3 Autocracy A system of government in which one person has all the authority and power to rule. Monarchy is a form of government similar to autocracy but slightly different. How? Dictatorships are also similar. What makes them different? Totalitarian states again are similar. What makes this type of government different?

4 Oligarchy A system of government in which a small group holds power.
Oligarchs derive their power from their wealth, social position, military power, or a combination of these factors. Can you think of any examples of this type of government?

5 Democracy A system of government in which rule is by the people.
Variations include the republic, and a representative democracy The Greeks are credited with developing democracy. Pericles, a leader of Athens, said “Our constitution is named a democracy because it is hands of not the few, but the many.”

6 Tid Bit about Athens The previous quote does NOT mean that every person in Athens voted. You had to be a citizen to vote in Athens. This meant poorer people, all women, all foreign residents, and slaves were kept from voting. It was not until the early 1800’s that people began to believe that EVERY person should have the right to vote. So, SHOULD every person have the right to vote on matters that concern the country?

7 Characteristics of Democracy
Since we live in a democracy, we will look at some of the things that make a democracy unique.

8 Individual Liberty People should be free.
How free is always a debate, but the goal is that people’s liberty should be as unlimited as possible. CURRENT DEBATE ON LIBERTY: Legalization of substances such as marijuana. Should people be allowed to consume it or not? Is it the role of the government to tell people what they can and cannot put into their own bodies?

9 Majority Rule with Minority Rights
A goal of modern democracies is that the majority opinion would rule, but that the rights of minorities would be protected. Is this always so?

10 Free Elections Power resides with the people. Basically, people are allowed to choose their leaders. What are the benefits of elections? What are some characteristics of free elections? (HINT…page 22…)

11 Competing Political Parties
A political party is a group of people with common interests who organize for political purposes. We have a two party system in the United States. This means there are two major political parties. Is this a good thing?

12 Essential Elements for a Democracy
The book lists 5 essential elements. Why do you think we need these? Citizen participation A favorable economy Widespread education A strong civil society A social consensus

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