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Faith Preschool and Parent’s Day out

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Presentation on theme: "Faith Preschool and Parent’s Day out"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith Preschool and Parent’s Day out
Open House

2 Introduction of Staff and Directors
Linda Pagel- Pastor Mrs. Danielle – Preschool Director Mrs. Jackie – Parent’s Day Out Director Mrs. Jeannie – Full Day PreK Teacher Mrs. Ginger – Full Day PreK Assistant Teacher Mrs. Megan – Half Day PreK Teacher Mrs. Julie – Half Day PreK Assistant Teacher Mrs. Kathi – 3 year old Teacher Mrs. Megan – 3 year old Assistant Teacher Mrs. Ashley – 2 year old Preschool Assistant Teacher Mrs. Gina- 2 year old Preschool Teacher

3 Hours, Arrival and Dismissal
For preschool arrival, please park and walk your child in each day. For preschool dismissal, we will bring your children to your car. Please form a line at the double doors and your children will be brought out to your car. For Early Care, Late Stay and PDO you will need to walk your child in each day and you will need to come in the building to pick your child up. Please be sure to sign your child in each morning. Hours: Preschool Half Day 9-12 Preschool Full Day 9-3 Early Care 7:30 AM Late Stay going until 4:30 PM Early Care and Late Stay are available all 5 days. Cost for Late Stay, Early Care and PDO is $6.50 and hour. Please let us know if you will be using these programs so we can be sure we are adequately staffed

4 Security Once everyone is in the building for the day, the doors will be locked at all times. Parents are ALWAYS welcome to come up and see us. If you come at a time when the doors are locked, please ring our buzzer and we will let you in. Keeping our kids safe is our number one priority.

5 How to Pay Tuition and PDO fees
Tuition is due the first week of each month. You may pay by check, cash or using our new online tool (Brightwheel). Hourly fees will be charged biweekly.

6 Brightwheel Brightwheel is a tool that we will be utilizing again this year. The app can be downloaded for free to your smart phone. We are excited to see that many of you have already gotten signed up! If you need any help, let us know. We will use this for our billing, to send parent reminders and for sharing pictures of your child. You do not have to use it if you do not want to, but for those of us that like our smart phones it may make things easier. Our hope is that this tool proves useful in facilitating online payments, parent communication and picture sharing.

7 Snacks & lunch Snacks Lunch
For preschool, your child will need to bring a snack each day with their name written on it. There will be a basket in each room to drop your snack in. If you forget, we have extras. Lunch If you will be at school during lunch time you will be required to pack a lunch for your child. We do not cook or warm up food. Your child’s lunch should contain an ice pack, drink and any utenstils that they may need. If anyone has allergies, PLEASE make sure we know about them!!!!

8 Sick kid policy Your child needs to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. We do our best to keep everything clean and sanitized so that our kids can remain healthy. PLEASE help us out and do not send your child to school sick. If they are on antibiotics, we ask that they have been on their meds for 24 hours before returning. You will still owe tuition if your child is sick to save their spot in the class

9 Weather guidelines and dress
We follow the Children’s Hospital guidelines for determining when we will go outside to play. We believe that children NEED to have plenty of active outdoor time, so they will go out whenever it is possible. Please dress them accordingly. Closed toed shoes and clothing that they can play in are recommended. We also ask that you send them with jackets, hats and gloves when the weather gets cold.

10 Questions for us??? There are 5 stations to hit tonight before you leave. This was station one so you have 4 more to go. Station 2: Sign In Station 3: Please stop and see Jackie to turn in any forms that you have for us. If you want to check in with her to see what forms you may still need to turn in, she can pull your file and check on those things for you as well. You may also register with her this evening. Station 4: Head to your rooms to meet your teachers, take a look around, meet other parents and let your kids play and get comfortable. They have worked SO hard on their rooms and cannot wait for you all to see them! Station 5:There are various papers and a few treats laid out in the hallway that we would love for you to have. If you are not yet registered with us and would like a tour, please see me. I would love to show you around and also will be available to answer any questions that you all may have.


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