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Industrializam Industrialization industrialism an economic and social system based on industry Industrialism “An economic and social system.

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6 Industrializam

7 Industrialization industrialism an economic and social system based on industry Industrialism “An economic and social system based on the development of large scale industries and marked by the production of large quantities of inexpensive manufactured goods and the concentration of employment in urban factories.” Industrialization refers to the actual course of transition from the traditional society towards the industrial society.

8 Elements of Industrialism
1. The industrial workforce 2. Scale of society 3. Consensus in society 4. Population dynamics 5. Worldwide industrialism or globalization

9 1. The industrial workforce: The continuing changes in science and the technology and production methods and a number of consequences for workers and managers such as: Specialized knowledge: The industrial system requires a wide range of skills and professional competency. Mobility: The industrial society requires continual training, re-training and occupational mobility of the workforce. Open society: There is no place for the extended family in the industrial society. Education: Industrialization requires an educational system functionally related to the skills and professions imperative to ideas and technology.

10 Structure of the labor force: The labor force of the industrial society is highly differentiated: by occupation and job classification, by rate of compensation and by a variety of relative rights and duties in the workplace community. Managers and managed : The variety of skills, responsibilities and working conditions at workplace or enterprise an ordering or a hierarchy. 2. Scale of society: The wide variety of rules and norms are essential to secured co-ordination and to achiever large scale enterprises objectives.

11 Urban dominance: Rapid means of transportation and mass communication tend to reduce the variance of sub cultures in the society. In the industrial society agriculture is simply another industry; it is not a way of life. Large role of government: Ex- the demand of people may be for service largely provided by government such as education, park, roads, health services etc. The web of rules: The production of goods and services in the industrial society is largely in the hand of large scale. There are relatively few managers and there is a great meaning to be managed. The manager and the managed are connected by elaborate web of rules.

12 3. Consensus (agreement) in society: Industrialism develops a distinctive consensus among the societies that relates individuals and groups to the common concern of the world communities. Industrialism provides a common body of ideas, beliefs and value judgment that integrates societies of the world into a whole. It gives eye value to science and technological knowledge and gives high prestige and reward to the people engaged into it. I eliminates taboo . Taboo = avoid social religious and social reason. It places high value on being modern and progress.

13 4. Population: The fully developed industrial society confronts no serious population problem. It brings following changes among population: New class of people has been created. Criminal behavior/ crime General awareness increase Discrimination is narrowed down or gradually minimized. New social stratification (different layers or groups ) reshapes the population characteristics. Redistribution of the population has been introduced.

14 5. World wide industrialization: The industrial society is world wide
5. World wide industrialization: The industrial society is world wide. Science and technology speak in a universal language. The world has become a global village.

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