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Bellringer Grab your composition notebooks Write today’s date:

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1 Bellringer Grab your composition notebooks Write today’s date: 8-17-16
Need2Know Minutes

2 Objectives/Standards & EQs
W.9/10.3a- Write narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured events and sequences. EQ 5– Can I write about an actual or fictional experience effectively?  EQ 6– Can I present the reader with a clear and logical piece of writing?  EQ 7– Can I use story-telling techniques to develop experiences, events, and/or characters?  EQ 8– Can I maintain a coherent sequence of events?

3 Review/Recap Today, you should have at least 3 paragraphs written as your rough draft. We will work on editing, proofreading, and developing this narrative piece of writing. Integrate some of the new vocabulary learned from word wall into your narrative.

4 Non-Fiction Narrative: Writing
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Write a narrative about a time when you did something you thought you could not do, or an obstacle you had to overcome. (3 par. Minimum, but of course you can write more! (I expect more from my stronger writers  Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your story. Be sure the reader can apply the “plot diagram” to your narrative

5 Review Discuss the essay you read yesterday. (College essay, “What I Overcame”) Thoughts? Strengths? Opinions?

6 Writing Guide 1. Describe the topic you will focus on for your story.
2. What three events will you include? 1. 2. 3. 3. What people, or characters, will you feature in your story? 4. Think about the people in your story. What have they said to you (such as inspirational words) that you can include as a quote?

7 “A good scholarship essay…”
1. Captivates the reader, encourages the reader to care about you. 2. Is original 3. Has a main point 4. Avoids meaningless information (stick to the point!) 5. Is more than just a sob story 6. Is honest

8 How to start? 1. Think about the prompt, make an outline.
2. Make a list of accomplishments/struggles, etc. 3. List your personal characteristics (strengths, weaknesses, obstacles you have overcome or currently confronting) 4. Determine key pieces of information you feel someone should know about you AND have concrete examples to demonstrate your points.

9 Writing Intros: need to be strong. How do you make yours stand out? You need a hook! Pose a question Start with a statistic Anecdote Something that will engage and catch the reader’s attention Body: Be specific! Give examples. Use illustrative language! Descriptive words, show off with vocabulary. Watch out for commonly confused words/spelling mistakes! Proofread, proofread, proofread! Conclusion: Wrap up. NO NEW INFO! Summarize & drive home the points you made. Re-read. Is the whole thing interesting? Did it come alive when you read it? Did you use concrete examples?

10 Exit Slip What are you struggling with in your writing? What area do you feel you need strengthening in? What do you feel like is your strength now? MINIMUM OF 6 COMPLETE SENTENCES. HW: Don’t forget about the new vocab list! Due 8/23 & quiz SUMMER READING!

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