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Хмельницька спеціалізована школа I – III ступенів 12 Вчителі англійської мови: Савицька Н. Ю. Ніколаєва Л. Ф.

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Presentation on theme: "Хмельницька спеціалізована школа I – III ступенів 12 Вчителі англійської мови: Савицька Н. Ю. Ніколаєва Л. Ф."— Presentation transcript:

1 Хмельницька спеціалізована школа I – III ступенів 12 Вчителі англійської мови: Савицька Н. Ю. Ніколаєва Л. Ф.

2 Guess the riddles What is the Queen of sport? Another name for table tennis. A handball in water. Favourite sport in England. A game for two teams that you play with a ball and a basket. A game that you play on a board. A game for two people that you play with a small ball on a table. You can swim there in water. A sport or activity where a parachute is used. Moving your body through water. The sport of fighting while wearing big leather gloves. The sport of riding a bicycle. A sport originated in Japan in which you fight using your hands and feet. A sport in which people race in narrow light boat. A game similar to tennis.

3 FA Cup A set ( of something) A stadium To invent To introduce Proper Modern a) to produce or design something that has not existed b)Of the present time. c) a large sports ground surrounded by rows of seats. d) an English football competition that take place every year. e) a group of similar things that belong together in some way. f) to be the start of something new. g) according to the rules.

4 Swimming, gloves, crash helmet, football, racket, ring, boots, pool, motor racing, tennis, court, pitch, trunks, boxing, costume SportPlaceEquipment

5 WAS/ WERE + V3 (ed)

6 Example: I played many games. Many games were played by me. Mark rolled across the gym. We all laughed at him. Miss. Winn shows us new exercises. We climbed ropes. Miss. Winn tested our reflexes. We played football. Miss. Winn helped everyone. All of us liked the PT lessons

7 1. A: These flowers are great. B: They ___ ( send) to me yesterday by one of my fans. 2. A: Who told you about the championship? B: I ___ ( inform) by the Head of the Sports Club. 3. A: Im tired. I was typing the report all evening. B: So I am. But my report ___ ( do) yesterday. 4. A: Who looked after your baby when you were on holiday? B: He ___ ( look after) by my mother. 5 A: Who won the game ? B: It ___ ( win) by Ukrainian team.

8 Example: His father gave Billy a new bicycle. Billy was given a new bicycle by his father. A new bicycle was given to Billy by his father. Fred offered Mary a ticket. Mark invited Tom to the football match. Jack showed me his new tennis racket. They paid him a lot of money fir the job. The goalkeeper passed the ball to the player.

9 1. A: These flowers are great. B: They ___ ( send) to me yesterday by one of my fans. 2. A: Who told you about the championship? B: I ___ ( inform) by the Head of the Sports Club. 3. A: Im tired. I was typing the report all evening. B: So I am. But my report ___ ( do) yesterday. 4. A: Who looked after your baby when you were on holiday? B: He ___ ( look after) by my mother. 5 A: Who won the game ? B: It ___ ( win) by Ukrainian team.

10 ____________is a game for two or________players, who hit a small_____ ball backwards and forwards over a low net using rackets. It is often played on a grass but can also be played on harder surfaces. is a game in which two teams of _______players try to get a____ball into the opposing team's goal. The ball may be_____or headed,but never________, except by the goalkeepers. __________is a summer sport played in England between_______teams of 11 players on a grass pitch. In England, it is played between April and September. Players traditionally play wearing white, although this is now being replaced in some competitions by coloured clothing. ____, first played in Canada, has long been popular in the US. It is a fast and exciting sport. Each team has________players, a centre, two forwards and two wingers, all of whom try to score, and a goalkeeper. Players wear skates, and have helmets, gloves and pads for protection. They use long wooden sticks to hit the puck, a small, hard rubber_______, into the opponent's goal. first appeared in Scotland in the 15th century but is now played all round the world by both professional and amateur players. The aim of golf is to hit a small____ from a flat area of grass into a hole, using as few shots (hits)_______as possible. Most golf courses consist of 18 holes.

11 Which of these sports are played with a ball? Which of these sports have two teams? 3) Which of these sports is played over a low net? 4) Which of these sports are outdoor games? 5) Which of these sports do you like?

12 Two teams from New York.... didn't want to play without rules didn't play played a game without rules played a game following Cartwright's rules The team that finishes with more.... runs wins the game points wins the game points loses the game runs loses the game Within a few years there were.... professional players amateur games in other cities professional teams in other cities professional leagues in other cities The teams in the... played with one another. group professional leagues Canadian League National League In 1901... called the American League was formed.» a new group a new league a new game a new team... was called the World Series. This event This game This play This league

13 1) Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the USA. 2) There are nine players in each team. 3) The first professional team was organized in New York. 4) The game is played by three teams. 5) At first the game was played only for fun. 6) Nowadays millions of people look forward to the World Baseball Series.

14 1) Were the rules written at the very beginning of baseball? 2) How many players are there in a team? 3) What kind of teams were the first ones? 4 ) What did Alexander Cartwright do for baseball?

15 1 Rearrange the colours of the rings on the Olympic flag in the correct order a) blue b) yellow c) black d) green e) red 2 What is the name of the sport when the player swims? a) boxing b)swimming c) chess d) hokey 3 Find the irregular verbs a) swim b) run c) play d) jump 4 Find the second part of the word-combination figure-… a) skiing b) skating c)riding d) playing 5 Find the Ukrainian translation of the word fencing a) фехтування b) хокей с ) футбол d) тренер 6 Find the English translation of the word шахи a) trainer b)fencing c) chess d) draughts 7 Find the English translation of the word змагання a) composition b) competition c) country d) coincide 8 Find the noun a) courageous b)warm c) tennis d) wrong 9 Find the verb a) to swim b) chess c) book d) courageous 10 Find the noun a) sportsman b) blue c) to jump d) to read 11 Translate into Ukrainian the word wrestling a) фехтування b) змагання с ) боротьба d) шашки 12 Find the word which common to hokey, volleyball, football a) athletics b) gymnasium c) sport game d) stadium

16 Hometask Ex.1 p. 68 ( WB) to do the exercise in the written form; Ex. 7 p. 128 Sports in England to read and translate the text.


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