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Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions Division (HBCU-PBI Division) As most of you know, the mission of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions Division (HBCU-PBI Division) As most of you know, the mission of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions Division
(HBCU-PBI Division) As most of you know, the mission of the HBCU program is to improve the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of the institutions of higher education through strengthening the physical plants, academic resources, student services and endowment. For this reason we appreciate you because without you, the Department could not fulfill this very important mission. September 19, 2018

2 HBCU-PBI Division Title III Part B Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Title III Part F Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Student Aide and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) Title III Part B Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Master’s Degree Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Predominantly Black Institutions - Competitive Grants Predominantly Black Institutions - Formula Grants

3 HBCU – PBI Division Staff Acting Director, Ms. Sheryl Wilson
Program Officers Telephone Program Lead Sarah Beaton (202) HBGI Darryl Davis (202) Paul Douglas Kelly Harris (202) PBI-Comp Bernadette Hence (202) MSEIP Wendy Lawrence (202) HBCU & SAFRA Bernadette Miles (202) PBI Formula Sheryl Wilson (202) MHBCU

4 Grant Financial Planning and Management
Institution U.S Department of Education Establish and nurture relationship with Department’s assigned Program Specialist to ensure accuracy of planning and management Apply and adhere to Laws, regulation and financial management guidance Be inclusive when preparing budget revisions that align with approved objectives/ activities Enable accurate financial and performance reporting Establish good relationship with State and or institution partners to ensure accuracy of planning and approval stages of activities Adhere to your State and / or institutional accounting and financial management procedures Foster Institutional Leadership support that adheres to allowable LAA’s and approved CDP’s and objectives Lead your leaders – Share knowledge regularly, keep electronic folders and develop SOP’s for new hires Set 5-Year Goals with Realistic Planning. Ask yourself: Can this objective be completed within 5 years?

5 *Dates are tentative and subject to change
Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions Division (HBCU-PBI Division) Time Lines July – August 2018 Review and approval of awards August 29, 2018 Award letter disseminated October 1, 2018 FY 2018 funds available in G5 October 12, 2018 HBCU and SAFRA Phase II – Budget Revisions Due: to Oct. 15- Nov. 2018 Review of Revised Budget Submissions Tentative Dates and Activities Collected Phase I Data on February 1, 2017 During May – June, 2017, the Department plans to review and approve awards. Between June 15-30, 2017, we anticipate the award letters will be sent to institutions via . The HBCU-Part B CDPs are due on July 31, 2017 via G5. Signature pages should be ed to The due date for SAFRA (Part F) is August 30, SAFRA Phase II revised budgets should be ed to The Program Officers will review submitted applications and budgets between September 1-30, 2017 and on October 1, 2017, the FY funds will be available in G5. Please note these dates are tentative and subject to change. *Dates are tentative and subject to change

Time Lines August – September 2018 Review and approval of awards September 11, 2018 Award letter disseminated October 1, 2018 FY 2018 funds available in G5 October 15, 2018 HBGI Phase II – Budget Revisions Due- (Late Winter- Early Spring) Submission of New Application and CDP for New Award Cycle October 1, 2019 New (5) Year Award Cycle

7 Award Slate office approval CHANNELS
New Award Approval NCC Award Approval 1. HBCU Division 2. Chief of Staff- HEP 3. DAS- HEP 3. DAS-HEP 4. Deputy Under Secretary 5. Secretary DeVos 5. Exec. Office - Commits 6. Exec. Office–Commits 6. Print and Sign in G5 7. Congress. Notif. (5 days) 7. Obligate Funds in G5 8. Print and Sign in G5 9. Obligate Funds in G5

8 Revision of Budget & Program Plans
Office of the Deputy Secretary Risk Management Service

9 Changes Requiring Approval
Seek program officer’s approval prior to: Changes in project scope or objectives Changes in key personnel Project director disengaged for 3+ months or 25%+ reduction in time Changes in amount of matching funds Transfer of funds budgeted for participant support to other expenses Office of the Deputy Secretary Risk Management Service

10 Required Documentation and Attachments
Needed For ED Review of Activity/Budget Revisions: Narratives describing your justification for program or budget revisions; Identify which activity (LAA) your revision relates to; Budget Narrative outlining the currently approved budget line items and identify what will change and cost associated with each; Program Activity narrative describing what will change from approved activity submitted in your CDP; Personnel change requests must include (1) a current outline of current personnel and what positions will be added or removed; (2) resume of person of interest, and (3) a copy of the job description; Combine your activity and budget requests into (1) submission to program officer to reduce or eliminate multiple requests for approval to program officer Examples of what to how to request revisions and what to include with your request.

11 G5 Monitoring Report: Excessive Drawdowns
General indicators of excessive draw 1st Quarter More than 50% 2nd Quarter More than 80% 3rd Quarter 100% Unspent cash must be returned Interest may be charged The Excessive Drawdown report reviews each grant at 3 times during the budget period – at the end of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd quarters using these percentages as benchmarks. If draws are well in excess of these levels and up-front expenditure is not clearly part of your projects plan (in the approved application) your program officer may contact you to find out why. If your project is expending funds faster than expected, you may run out of funding before the end of the project period and endanger the success of your work. If withdrawals are found to exceed the projects’ expenditures, the excess cash must be returned to the government and interest may be charged. Remember the cash management rules – draw funds for reimbursement or only for immediate cash needs if you are allowed to draw advances. Note to presenters – if your program has a different expected spend out rate, change the benchmarks in the slide above. Office of the Deputy Secretary Risk Management Service

12 Communicating with Your
Grant Monitoring Communicating with Your Program Specialist How the Department monitors your projects. Office of the Deputy Secretary Risk Management Service

Subject Line: Award Number (P031B18XXXXX) and Topic With the full contact information is Required: Project Director’s Name, Name of the institution, phone number, and address Phone Messages Mailing Letters Writers Full Name Institution Name Institution Address Award Number Subject (In the body) Full Contact Information Full Name of Call Name of Institution Award Number Phone Number Reason for the Call Example of how to setup the “Subject Line” when ing a request.

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