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Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist © Townsend Press

2 Unit Three: Chapter 15 • abstain • deficit • affiliate • dissent
• agnostic • diversion • aspire • lucrative • benevolent • mandatory Page 84 in textbook.

3 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 abstain – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 abstain – verb • Although Luis has given up high-calorie desserts, he doesn’t abstain completely from chocolate. He allows himself one small square of a Hershey bar a day. • My sister called off her engagement to Clayton because he wouldn’t abstain from dating other women. Abstain means A. to desire. B. to believe in. C. to deny oneself. Page 84 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

4 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 abstain – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 abstain – verb • Although Luis has given up high-calorie desserts, he doesn’t abstain completely from chocolate. He allows himself one small square of a Hershey bar a day. • My sister called off her engagement to Clayton because he wouldn’t abstain from dating other women. Abstain means A. to desire. B. to believe in. C. to deny oneself. Page 84 in textbook. In the first item, the words given up suggest that Luis is not denying himself chocolate. And if the sister called off her engagement, Clayton must not have denied himself the pleasure of dating other women.

5 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 affiliate – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 affiliate – verb • Diane is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. She isn’t affiliated with any political party. • The young singer could have earned more if she had been affiliated with the musicians’ union, but she couldn’t afford the membership dues. Affiliate means A. to join. B. to study. C. to hold back. Page 84 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

6 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 affiliate – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 affiliate – verb • Diane is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. She isn’t affiliated with any political party. • The young singer could have earned more if she had been affiliated with the musicians’ union, but she couldn’t afford the membership dues. Affiliate means A. to join. B. to study. C. to hold back. Page 84 in textbook. If Diane is neither a Democrat or a Republican, she has not joined either party. If the young singer couldn’t afford the membership dues, she must not have joined the union.

7 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 agnostic – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 agnostic – noun • Iris believes there is a God, and Marcia feels sure there isn’t. Jean, an agnostic, feels that we can’t be certain one way or the other. • My uncle, who was an agnostic, used to say, “Humans cannot understand a flower, let alone whether or not there’s a God.” Agnostic means A. one who denies God’s existence. B. one who feels we can’t know if God exists. C. one who is sure there is a God. Page 84 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

8 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 agnostic – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 agnostic – noun • Iris believes there is a God, and Marcia feels sure there isn’t. Jean, an agnostic, feels that we can’t be certain one way or the other. • My uncle, who was an agnostic, used to say, “Humans cannot understand a flower, let alone whether or not there’s a God.” Agnostic means A. one who denies God’s existence. B. one who feels we can’t know if God exists. C. one who is sure there is a God. Page 84 in textbook. If Jean feels we can’t be sure one way or the other, she feels we can’t know if God exists. If the uncle believes humans can’t understand whether or not there’s a God, he feels we can’t know if God exists.

9 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 aspire – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 aspire – verb • Twelve-year-old Derek, who loves drawing buildings, aspires to be an architect. • Millions of young people aspire to be professional athletes, but only a few will succeed. Aspire means A. to fear. B. to wish. C. to volunteer. Page 84 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

10 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 aspire – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 aspire – verb • Twelve-year-old Derek, who loves drawing buildings, aspires to be an architect. • Millions of young people aspire to be professional athletes, but only a few will succeed. Aspire means A. to fear. B. to wish. C. to volunteer. Page 84 in textbook. If Derek loves drawing buildings, it is logical that he wishes to be an architect. Millions of young people wish to become professional athletes, but very few achieve it.

11 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 benevolent – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 benevolent – adjective • People are more benevolent at Christmas, the “season for giving.” • In 1878, William Booth founded a benevolent association to help the poor of London. He called it the Salvation Army. Benevolent means A. recreational. B. profitable. C. charitable. Page 84 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

12 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 benevolent – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 benevolent – adjective • People are more benevolent at Christmas, the “season for giving.” • In 1878, William Booth founded a benevolent association to help the poor of London. He called it the Salvation Army. Benevolent means A. recreational. B. profitable. C. charitable. Page 84 in textbook. If Christmas is the season for giving, people are more charitable. The Salvation Army is a charitable organization.

13 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 deficit – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 deficit – noun • Our club has spent much more money than it has taken in, so it now has a huge budget deficit. • Residents are asked not to water their lawns because a deficit of rain has dangerously lowered the water supply. Deficit means A. a lack. B. an overflow. C. a collection. Page 84 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

14 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 deficit – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 deficit – noun • Our club has spent much more money than it has taken in, so it now has a huge budget deficit. • Residents are asked not to water their lawns because a deficit of rain has dangerously lowered the water supply. Deficit means A. a lack. B. an overflow. C. a collection. Page 84 in textbook. If a club spends more than it takes in, it ends up with a lack of money. If the water supply is dangerously lower, there must have been a lack of rain.

15 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 dissent – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 dissent – noun • The committee was so torn by dissent that its members could not even agree on whether or not to schedule another meeting. • The dictator permitted people to agree with his policies or keep silent about them, but not to express dissent. Dissent means A. plans. B. opposition. C. relief. Page 85 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

16 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 dissent – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 dissent – noun • The committee was so torn by dissent that its members could not even agree on whether or not to schedule another meeting. • The dictator permitted people to agree with his policies or keep silent about them, but not to express dissent. Dissent means A. plans. B. opposition. C. relief. Page 85 in textbook. If the members can’t agree, there must be opposition among the committee members. If one must agree or keep quiet, there is no opportunity to express opposition.

17 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 diversion – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 diversion – noun • My history teacher says that one of her favorite diversions during summer vacation is reading mystery novels. • Skip likes his job, but he also enjoys such diversions as playing video games, watching baseball, and reading humorous stories. Diversion means A. a way to relax. B. something easy. C. an assignment. Page 85 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. “I’m going crazy swimming around and around in this bowl all day! I need a diversion!”

18 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 diversion – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 diversion – noun • My history teacher says that one of her favorite diversions during summer vacation is reading mystery novels. • Skip likes his job, but he also enjoys such diversions as playing video games, watching baseball, and reading humorous stories. Diversion means A. a way to relax. B. something easy. C. an assignment. Page 85 in textbook. Reading mystery novels, playing video games, watching baseball, and reading humorous stories are all ways to relax. “I’m going crazy swimming around and around in this bowl all day! I need a diversion!”

19 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 lucrative – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 lucrative – adjective • Investments in the stock market can be lucrative. However, they can also result in great financial loss. • “Teaching at a small college isn’t lucrative,” Professor Baum admitted, “but I’ve never felt the need to make lots of money.” Lucrative means A. required. B. financially rewarding. C. risky. Page 85 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

20 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 lucrative – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 lucrative – adjective • Investments in the stock market can be lucrative. However, they can also result in great financial loss. • “Teaching at a small college isn’t lucrative,” Professor Baum admitted, “but I’ve never felt the need to make lots of money.” Lucrative means A. required. B. financially rewarding. C. risky. Page 85 in textbook. The words great financial loss are a clue that lucrative means the opposite—“financially rewarding.” If Professor Baum doesn’t need lots of money, he or she would be contented with a job that is not financially rewarding.

21 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 mandatory – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 mandatory – adjective • Members of the basketball team have to follow strict rules. For example, it’s mandatory that each player attend at least 80 percent of the practices. • “A research paper isn’t mandatory,” the instructor said, “but if you write one, you’ll get extra credit.” Mandatory means A. unimportant. B. helpful. C. essential. Page 85 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

22 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 mandatory – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 mandatory – adjective • Members of the basketball team have to follow strict rules. For example, it’s mandatory that each player attend at least 80 percent of the practices. • “A research paper isn’t mandatory,” the instructor said, “but if you write one, you’ll get extra credit.” Mandatory means A. unimportant. B. helpful. C. essential. Page 85 in textbook. If the rules are strict, then it must be essential to attend 80 percent of the practices. If students can choose whether or not to write a research paper, the paper is not essential to passing the course.

23 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 1. My kid brother _________s to become the video-game champion of the world. 2. The __________ fund at my church collects money to help poor families in our parish. Page 86 in textbook. Answers: 1. aspire; 2. benevolent The next slide explains the answers.

24 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 1. My kid brother __________ to become the video-game champion of the world. aspires The brother desires to become the world champion. 2. The __________ fund at my church collects money to help poor families in our parish. benevolent Page 86 in textbook. If the fund collects money for the poor, it is a charitable fund.

25 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 3. My parents enjoy card games, but my sister and I prefer such _________s as computer games and music videos. 4. An entrance fee wasn’t __________, but a sign at the museum entrance suggested that visitors make a donation. Page 86 in textbook. Answers: 3. diversion; 4. mandatory; 5. abstain The next slide explains the answers. 5. Because Hank needs to lose weight, his doctor recommended that he __________ from all sweets and fatty foods.

26 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 3. My parents enjoy card games, but my sister and I prefer such __________ as computer games and music videos. diversions Card games, computer games, and videos are pastimes. 4. An entrance fee wasn’t __________, but a sign at the museum entrance suggested that visitors make a donation. mandatory Page 86 in textbook. If the museum only suggested a donation, an entrance fee was not required. 5. Because Hank needs to lose weight, his doctor recommended that he __________ from all sweets and fatty foods. abstain If Hank needs to lose weight, he should refrain from eating sweets and fatty foods.

27 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 6. We could overcome a(n) _______ of organs for transplants if more people would agree to have their organs donated after they die. 7. There was no __________ in the family on whether or not to start a vegetable garden this year. We all agreed it was a great idea. Page 86 in textbook. Answers: 6. deficit; 7. dissent The next slide explains the answers.

28 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 6. We could overcome a _________ of organs for transplants if more people would agree to have their organs donated after they die. deficit The shortage could be overcome if more people donated their organs. 7. There was no __________ in the family on whether or not to start a vegetable garden this year. We all agreed it was a great idea. dissent Page 86 in textbook. If they all agreed, there was no disagreement.

29 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 8. Yong could have joined the all-male club, but he prefers to __________ with organizations that welcome both men and women. 9. “When someone who believes in God marries someone who does not,” the comic asked, “do they give birth to a(n) __________?” Page 86 in textbook. Answers: 8. affiliate; 9. agnostic; 10. lucrative The next slide explains the answers. 10. Acting is __________ for only a small percentage of performers. The rest need additional sources of income, such as waiting on tables or parking cars.

30 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. abstain B. affiliate C. agnostic D. aspire E. benevolent F. deficit G. dissent H. diversion I. lucrative J. mandatory 8. Yong could have joined the all-male club, but he prefers to __________ with organizations that welcome both men and women. affiliate The word joined tells you the meaning of affiliate. 9. “When someone who believes in God marries someone who does not,” the comic asked, “do they give birth to an __________?” Page 18 in textbook. Answers: 8. naive; 9. lenient; 10. integrity The next slide explains the answers. agnostic The joke is that their child would feel we can’t know if God exists. 10. Acting is __________ for only a small percentage of performers. The rest need additional sources of income, such as waiting on tables or parking cars. lucrative If most actors need additional sources of income, acting must be well-paying for only a few actors.


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