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Beginning To Kill a Mockingbird

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1 Beginning To Kill a Mockingbird
Week 23 Beginning To Kill a Mockingbird

2 Monday February 4, 2019 Bell Ringer: Character strong- Self-awareness
WE ARE…. Monday February 4, 2019 Bell Ringer: Character strong- Self-awareness Open your I.N. to page 139 for this Character Strong lesson Emotional Intelligence- The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Discuss in your group a list of skills you would say a person who is emotionally intelligent would have (2min)? Reminder- Turn in your typed essay and finished packet. Patriot Strong!

3 Character Strong- Self-Awareness continued
WE ARE…. Character Strong- Self-Awareness continued By show of hands, How many of you have allowed your emotions to get the best of you? When is a time you know you are at your worst? Write it down. Could be high stressed times at school or home or being around a certain person or people. Ex. I am at my worst when… Pair with a someone with same color as you and share on this topic. Patriot Strong!

4 Character Strong- Self-Awareness continued
WE ARE…. Character Strong- Self-Awareness continued I am going to give you 4 minutes to think about what you value most in life and make a list of those things. Name as many as you can from important relationships to a card collection. Now circle 3-5 things that you think are the most important. Complete the following sentence in writing: My list shows that I value… Answer the following question in writing: How does what I value influence my decision making? Patriot Strong!

5 Getting your book WE ARE…. Patriot Strong!
I am now going to assign you a book to look after and read. The book must stay in the plastic bag while you are not reading it. Do not lose the book or the bag please. You will need to replace both if you do. The books are not new but it will still cost $5 to replace one, so please keep up with it and bring it everyday to school until we are finished with the novel. Patriot Strong!

6 Tuesday, February 5,2019 Bell Ringer: Maze
WE ARE…. Tuesday, February 5,2019 Bell Ringer: Maze After the tardy bell/ Second period after the announcements Green dots, get a bell ringer for each person in your group. Glue it in on page 140 in your I.N. After the bell ringer Green dots, pick up the packet on the table at the back of the room and the questions for chapters 1-4 for each person in your group. Packet discussion Begin reading the book. Chapter 1-4 questions are due Friday *FYI- Some people missed notebook check so you need bring your notebook so I can grade it.* Patriot Strong!

7 Wednesday February 6,2019 Bell Ringer: Maze
WE ARE…. Wednesday February 6,2019 Bell Ringer: Maze Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 1-4 questions are due Friday Patriot Strong!

8 Thursday February 6, 2019 Bell Ringer:
WE ARE…. Thursday February 6, 2019 Bell Ringer: Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Chapter 1-4 questions are due Friday Patriot Strong!

9 Friday February 7, 2019 No Bell Ringer
WE ARE…. Friday February 7, 2019 No Bell Ringer Chapter 1-4 Questions are due and will be checked off by the end of class. Patriot Strong!

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