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Language Arts Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Language Arts Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Arts Vocabulary 2011-2012

2 Compound Sentence

3 Two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon

4 Chronological Order

5 Time order

6 Parts of Speech

7 Noun Verb Preposition Adj Adverb Interjection Pron. Conjunction

8 Complex Sentence

9 One independent clause + one (or more) dependent clauses

10 Linking Verbs

11 is, are was, were, am be, been, being

12 Adjective Questions

13 Which one? What kind? How many?

14 Synonyms

15 Words with the same meaning

16 Adverb Questions

17 How? When? Where? To what extent?

18 Compound / Complex Sentence

19 Two (or more) independent clauses + one (or more) dependent clauses

20 Complements

21 Direct Object Indirect Object Predicate Noun Predicate Adjective Predicate Pronoun

22 Articles

23 a an the

24 6 Reading Stratagies

25 Predict Evaluate Clarify Visualize Question Connect

26 Genres

27 Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Drama

28 Verb Phrase

29 Two or more verbs sitting together
Action verb and helping verb or verbs

30 Plot Structure

31 Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution

32 Independent Clause

33 Group of words with subject and verb
Can stand alone as a sentence Simple sentence

34 Exposition

35 Characters introduced
Setting Time Place

36 Antonyms

37 Words that are opposite

38 Rising Action

39 Central conflict unfolds
Problems arise Suspense builds

40 Noun

41 Person, place, or thing

42 Climax

43 Turning point of story Action reaches peak Creates a change in characters or solution to problem

44 Falling Action

45 Tying up loose ends that lead to solving the conflict

46 Verb

47 shows action, state of being, or condition

48 Resolution (Denouement)

49 All loose ends tied up

50 Tone

51 Writer’s attitude toward his subject

52 Adjective

53 Modifies (describes) pronouns nouns

54 Mood

55 Feeling that a story gives the reader
Watch the words

56 Theme

57 Message about life conveyed by story

58 Protagonist

59 Main character in story
Usually good

60 Phrase

61 A group of words Missing subject, verb, or both

62 Antagonist

63 Character who goes against the protagonist

64 Alliteration

65 Repeating of a letter at the beginning of words

66 External Conflict

67 Character struggles against another character or outside force

68 Clause

69 Group of words with a subject and a verb

70 Foreshadowing

71 Events that provide hints about what will happen in a story

72 Simile

73 Comparison of two unlike things
Common quality Uses like or as

74 Static Character

75 A character that does not change during the story

76 Metaphor

77 Comparison of two unlike things
Common quality Does NOT use like or as

78 Dynamic Character

79 A character that does change during the story

80 Idiom

81 Words with meaning different from meaning of individual words

82 Personification

83 Giving human qualities to nonhuman things

84 Hyperbole

85 Exaggeration to the max

86 Simple Sentence

87 One independent clause

88 Onomatopoeia

89 Making words by imitating sounds

90 Internal Conflict

91 A struggle within a character

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