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Population Ecology.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Ecology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Ecology

2 What is population? Group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area

3 What about population? Population changes
There are many factors that influence a population Natural Unnatural Population density has a great impact on ecosystems

4 3 important characteristics of Population
Geographic Distribution Density Growth Rate ***Population Age structure is also an important characteristic

5 Geographic Distribution
AKA Range Describes an area inhabited by a population Can vary Few cubic centimeters Kilometers of the ocean



8 Density # of individuals per unit area Low density High density
Cactus in desert High density Other desert plants and succulents


10 Math Time Formula for calculating population density
Population density=Number of individuals units area Problem: Suppose there are 150 bullfrogs living in a pond that covers an area of 3 square kilometers. What is the density of the bullfrog population? 50 bullfrogs per square kilometer

11 Growth Rate Many factors affect growth rate

12 3 Factors that affect population size
# of births # of deaths # of individuals that enter or leave population Population will increase or decrease depending on # of individuals added or removed

13 What happens to the population when we….
Have more births than deaths? Population increases Have more deaths than births? Population decreases Have equal amounts of births and deaths? Population remains constant


15 Immigration “im”= in Migrate= to move from one place to another
Immigration is the individual movement into an area Animals in search of mates and food in new areas





20 Emigration “E” means ‘out’
Migrate means to move from one place to another Emigrate means individuals moving out of one place and into another Young wolves and bears leaving as they mature Shortage of food

21 Two types of growth Exponential growth Logistic growth
Individuals reproduce at a constant rate Logistic growth Occurs when a populations growth slows or stops after a period of exponential growth

22 Exponential Growth Occurs under ideal conditions with unlimited resources Think about exponents in math…. Starts slowly then sky rockets to infinity Our graph will look like a J Bacteria

23 Lets look at bacteria… Bacteria reproduce by splitting in half
Bacteria have a doubling time of 30 minutes If you start will one bacterium, how many bacteria will there be after the first 30 minutes? 2 After an hour? 4 After an hour and a half? 8 After two hours? 16 After 15 hours? Over a billion


25 Logistic Growth As resources become less available, the growth of the population slows or stops S-shape curve What we usually see in nature


27 Carrying Capacity The largest number of individuals that a given environment can support The part of the logistic graph after the exponential growth…the flattening out The point at which this flat line reaches the y-axis is the size of the population when the growth rate reaches zero This doesn’t mean the population stops growing Many factors slow the growth of plants and animals…


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