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Byzantium and Muslim Civilization

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1 Byzantium and Muslim Civilization
Chapter 10

2 The Byzantine Empire Chapter 10, Section 1

3 Constantinople at a Crossroads
After Rome faded, two groups developed powerful civilizations. Christian Byzantines Muslim Arabs and Turks. Constantine had two important changes. He became a Christian. He decided to build a new imperial capital.

4 Constantinople at a Crossroads
He chose the city of Byzantium. The Byzantines were known for having the strongest army and trade. Constantinople was at a crossroads of sea and land trade. Taxed all goods coming through.

5 Constantinople at a Crossroads
Through time, the Byzantine Empire became rich. The Byzantine Empire also had good rulers who were wise and popular. Encouraged education. Reformed government and laws.

6 Byzantine Empire

7 The Age of Justinian One of the greatest Byzantine Emperors was Justinian. He developed a system of laws called the Justinian Code. Became the basis for legal systems for most of modern Europe.

8 The Age of Justinian Byzantine scholars also kept and copied the works of the Greeks. It was a blending of Greek, Roman, and Christian. As they declined, they took their knowledge to Italy.

9 The Empire’s Later Years
After Justinian’s death in 565, the empire went into decline. The majority of Byzantines were Christian, they did not accept the pope’s authority. In 1054, the split was permanent: Roman Catholic and Eastern (Greek) Orthodox.

10 The Empire’s Later Years
From 900 – mid 1000s, the Byzantine Empire experienced a last greatness. Basil II was ruler during this time. It grew in importance and size. During the 1000s, Muslim peoples to the east were growing strong as well.

11 The Empire’s Later Years
Europeans were also challenging the Byzantines. Early 1200s, Christian crusaders attacked the city. In 1453, the Turks took Constantinople.

12 The Empire’s Later Years
Renamed the city Istanbul. The city became the crossroads of the Muslim culture and capital of the Ottoman Empire.

13 Homework Read P. 282-289 Answer Questions #1-3 Yeah! Yeah! Alright!
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