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Acids and Bases.

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1 Acids and Bases

2 There are many types of Acids How do we name them?
Most acids have H on the left side of the formula Some contain oxygen, some do not Many compounds such as HCl only act as acids when mixed with water Therefore formulas for acids mixed with water are written as HCl(aq), aq=aqueous=acid dissolved in water to make a solution H2SO4, HClO3, HCl, HBr,

3 Naming Acids without O If no state is given (no aq) then the name is written beginning with hydrogen Example: HCl hydrogen chloride Example: HBr hydrogen bromide If the acid is shown as aqueous (with aq) then the name ends in “ic” Example: HCl(aq) hydrochloric acid Example: HBr(aq) hydrobromic acid

4 Naming Acids with O If no state is given (no aq) then the name is written beginning with hydrogen Note: Look at the table of polyatomic ions (textbook, page 192) Example: HNO3 Now break it up H NO3 hydrogen nitrate = polyatomic ion Hydrogen carbonate

5 Naming Acids with O continued
If the acid is shown as aqueous (with aq) And the name begins with hydrogen And ends with “ate” Example: hydrogen nitrate, (HNO3) Then hydrogen is dropped from the name And the name ending changes to “ic acid” Example: HNO3(aq) nitric acid Nitric acid and sulfuric acid are the main components in acid rain Watch first 3 videos

6 Naming Acids with O continued again!
If the acid is shown as aqueous (with aq) And the name begins with hydrogen And ends with “ite” Example: hydrogen sulfite, (H2SO3) Then hydrogen is dropped from the name And the name ending changes to “ous acid” Example: H2SO3(aq) sulfurous acid

7 Naming Bases A base can be identified by the OH at the end of the formula To name a base use the name if the first element and add hydroxide to the end Example: NaOH = sodium hydroxide Example: Mg(OH)2 = magnesium hydroxide Watch last videos

8 Common Bases found around the house
Common Bases you might see at home Hazard labels you should know These indicate corrosive material and therefore should be handled with care NEVER mix household chemicals

9 Homework Vocabulary for Chapter 5 worksheet
Acid/Base fill in the blanks worksheet Pages 86 and 87 in your workbook

10 Look up chemical reaction for this demo
Properties of Acids Acids corrode metals such as magnesium and zinc When mixed with certain metals such as magnesium they react to produce H2 gas DEMO Look up chemical reaction for this demo

11 Salts There is more SALT than just table salt!
Salts form when you mix an acid and base. When an acid and base are mixed to form salt and water it is known as a neutralization reaction. It’s no longer acidic or basic it’s neutral. When acids are mixed with some metals a salt can be formed.

12 Some examples of salt: NaCl (you know this one, it’s table salt) KCl
NaCH3COO (sodium acetate it’s what they put on salt and vinegar chips. Yummm!)

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