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Course work Summer planning.

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1 course work Summer planning

2 My magazine The main article in my magazine is on buskers , the angle will be focused on artist who came from nothing and was discovered as a busker before they grew to success. There won’t be much visual reinforcement as the main attraction in the magazine will be the two pictures of the model which i am using.

3 The model The model will be dressed as a rock artist as a drummer. He will be dressed in very casual clothing like jeans and perhaps a shirt of a band, for props and accessories he will be wearing lots of metallic cuffs, he already has an extreme haircut, he is the perfect poster model for a rock artist. In Terms of body language i will ask the model to do some posed photos with his drumsticks sitting on a drum stool or whatever else seems appropriate at the time, i will then just ask the artist to do whatever is comfortable for him as whatever he chooses to do will be the message appropriate to send nevertheless minor modification will be made as needed.

4 Research Over the summer i researched the audience profiles for the target audience age group (14-18). From my research i found that a big part of keeping such an audience entertained is through a relatability, meaning that if a teenager could feel they could relate to or empathise with an element in the article they would then be more enticed to read further.

5 What i have done


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