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Bellringer: Sept. 8 and 9 To be written on a piece of loose leaf paper. We will use this paper to complete a video summary and the exit ticket today.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: Sept. 8 and 9 To be written on a piece of loose leaf paper. We will use this paper to complete a video summary and the exit ticket today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: Sept. 8 and 9 To be written on a piece of loose leaf paper. We will use this paper to complete a video summary and the exit ticket today. Write your name on it. Why is the following statement a good example of a theme? “Finding yourself is a long and difficult journey which is often painful but also worthwhile in the end.”

2 Other good examples of themes
“It doesn’t matter what problems you have or the decisions you make or how different you are, you can still do good.” “Life is a test of endurance so you have to make the best of it.”

3 The three stages in a rite of passage (yellow paper)
1. Separation - we lose our identity as a child, often abruptly (Think about Junior moving schools) 2. Transition - we are being tested, educated, or confused. We might have to undergo some form of ordeal. (Think about the problems Junior faces both at home and at Reardon before he is accepted) 3. Incorporation - we move back into the larger community, often with our new identity. There is usually some form of ceremony. (Remember the final two chapters of the summer book? The graveside ceremony and then Rowdy and Junior’s reconnecting as friends?) You could hand out the pdf as a further reference and notes for throughout the lesson and year. Make Foldable: for Rites of Passage pdf. Three columns – for taking notes and adding to it throughout the unit.

4 Part Time Indian? ON your foldable, record how Junior goes through a rite of passage? SEPARATION TRANSITION INCORPORATION How does he SEPARATE from his community? What ordeal does he go through in his TRANSITION stage? How is he brought back into his community at the end (INCORPORATION stage)?

5 Rites of Passages are a pattern
We see rites of passages in cultures and literature from around the world and from throughout time. What occurs in each stage builds a message about what the culture values and the challenges that young people must overcome to be accepted as an adult. 1. What qualities do you need for a driver’s license? 2. Why does society value those qualities?

6 How do poets use patterns to develop their theme about maturing?
Lesson 1: Poetry

7 Vocabulary you might need
Look up each word. Then prepare to act out an example of the word with your partner. Knave Demure Flanks

8 TONE review Watch this video. Tone vs. Mood
On your Bellringer paper, summarize the difference between Tone and Mood.

9 Identifying Patterns You have received a blank piece of paper. Fold it in half and then in half again. Fold in the center corner. When you open it, you’ll have five boxes. In the center diamond write “If” and Kipling In each box, write one heading: 1. phrase/word repetition (anaphora), 2. important images, 3. figurative language (personification and symbols), 4. Rhymes On the back side, follow the directions for the tone categories. Review the literary devices if needed. Anaphora is the repetition of words and phrases at the beginning of sentences or lines. Personification is the figurative language most used in “If”



12 Read the poem! Partner 1 – read the poem out loud
Partner 2 – read the poem out loud (again!) Together – mark up the poem. Identify the words/phrases/lines which seem important or stand out to you.

13 Find examples to record on each note card
Imagery “keep your head when all about you / are losing theirs” (lines 1-2) Figurative Language (metaphor, simile, personification, symbol) “unforgiving minute” (line 29) Tone “bear to hear the truth… twisted” (lines 13-14)

14 Ticket out What seems to be the theme (THE Message) of the poem?

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