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Class Agenda 2/11/15 ACT Prep: Appositives Proverb to Ponder

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1 Class Agenda 2/11/15 ACT Prep: Appositives Proverb to Ponder Literature Circles- Article Close Reading and Chunking Reflection Question CLO:Today you will, in writing and orally, determine the meaning of words and phrases in a college-level text (article) and create relevant connections between the content of the article to the cultural components of Things Fall Apart using close reading, chunking strategies, anchor charts, and a jigsaw note-catcher with describing language such as “The topic (specify) connects to (event or example) from Things Fall Apart because…”

2 Proverb to Ponder Swahili Proverb  Aendae kwa mganga hakosi jambo.   A person who goes to the medicine doctor is never without something wrong. Understood is that the doctor will always find something wrong. How can you connect this proverb with Ezinma’s illnesses in chapters 9-11? What do you think this says about the concept of “medicine” and “doctor” from those chapters? This connects to today’s activity!

3 Close Reading and Chunking Article
Today you will read a critical response to Things Fall Apart that uses college-level language. Often, articles like this are tough to read because of the unknown language In groups, you will read chunks of the article and become experts on one aspect discussed This will allow us to understand the scope of the article, but not read the entire thing

4 Lit Circle Group Assignment
Your group will create a poster that defines the assigned topic as well as provide an example from the book to help us better understand the meaning of this topic. The poster must include A definition of the topic An example from the book (include quote and pg. #) AND connect the quote to the definition. “The topic (specify) connects to (event or example) from Things Fall Apart because…”

5 Static- unchanging, fixed Dynamic- capable of action or change
Reality that is not based on scientific facts; appeals to the other senses and can only be explained using terms that connect to otherworldly items/beings Metaphysics Static- unchanging, fixed Dynamic- capable of action or change On page ___, the Ibo leaders consult the Oracle of the hills and the caves before waging a war against another village. If the Oracle does not give blessings, then the clan will surely lose the war; on the other hand, if the blessing is not given, then the clan will win the war, and neighboring villages consider their answer carefully when going to war. The Ibo also has agadi-nwayi, a war medicine in the form of a shrine, that works in their favor in matters of war. The war goddess is similar to a defense advisor; however, her answer is not based on factual events, but rather the rules of the religion. The shrine has no scientific base, but gives the warriors the power of belief, and that is necessary for fighting a war.

6 Reflection What did you learn about yourself, as a student, while reading text that contains complicated language? How did today’s activities help you make meaning of the article? Write your answer on the post-it note. Homework: Read chapters of Things Fall Apart, complete summary page and turn in on February 13, 2015 Homework: Turn in typed final college essay by February 19, 2015

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