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Welcome to Third Grade Mrs. Williams Room 419.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade Mrs. Williams Room 419."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade Mrs. Williams Room 419

2 Welcome to Third Grade! Please find your child’s desk.
If you child attended our school last year, you will find their scores from second grade. Don’t forget to sign in!  Our class webpage is:

3 Our First Week Circle Maps Procedures Reading Strategies Graphs
Team Builders/ About me activities

4 About Mrs. Williams! ASU TEXAS

5 My goal is to create a community of learners that feel respected and challenged. In my classroom, the students and I will work towards the success of all students. I strive to create life long learners.

6 Our Daily Schedule Daily Schedule 8:45-9:00 Morning work
9:00-9:45 Literature Study (reading strategies) 9:45-10: Reading 10:30-11:10 Daily 5 11:10-11:50 Recess/Lunch 12:00 – 12: Writing 12:45 – 1: Math 1:45 – 2: Science/Social Studies 2:30-2: Planners/Mail/Clean up 2:45-3: Specials

7 Our Specials Schedule Monday- PE with Mr. Williams
Tuesday-     PE with Mr. Williams Wednesday- PE with Mr. Backstrom Thursday-     Art with Ms. Nunimaker Friday-         Music with Mrs. Backstrom

8 Reading Whole class lessons first then reading groups every day.
We will work hard learning how to find information from our stories. Working independently and making choices All reading tests are open book. Learn what strategies good readers use We will learn to read fluently Strategies for decoding unfamiliar words Learn new vocabulary Reading Process – strategies for decoding unfamiliar words, reading   fluently, learning new vocabulary, and comprehension.

9 Writing The writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) Mini Lesson on grammar, 6 traits, good writing 10 – 15 minutes We will work on writing paragraphs as well as 5 paragraph papers five genres:  personal experience narrative, communications, poetry, report, and a story.

10 Daily 5 Every day students will work on these activities
Read to Yourself Read to Someone Work on Writing Listen to Reading Spelling/Word Work Students will also meet with me during this time Very structured environment which allows students to take responsibility of their learning and behavior Cereal Boxes

11 Math Patterns, Envision Math – Text book number operations,
word problems, measurement, Time and money, place value, graphing, estimation interpreting data fractions and decimals Envision Math – Text book Expect math homework Monday through Thursday. Math:  Patterns, number operations, word problems, measurement, time, money, place value, graphing, estimation, interpreting data, fractions, decimals, and probability.

12 Science Inquiry process (scientific method)
FOSS is our adopted curriculum Lots of the learning is done with in class hands on experiments. Taught part of the quarter. Inquiry process (scientific method) life cycles plant structure living and nonliving ecosystems adaptations rocks and minerals sound Science:  Inquiry process, life cycles, plant structure, living and nonliving ecosystems, adaptations, rocks and minerals, and sound.

13 Social Studies Communities geography/directions Maps Holidays
civics and government economics world history Taught part of the quarter. Social Studies:  Communities, geography/directions, maps, holidays, civics and government, economics, and world history.

14 Homework I will assign homework every night.
Each night homework will be: Math a two sided worksheet it is always due the next day Spelling Pick Two due on Thursdays Your child should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes each night. Look at your child’s agenda to see what was done in class. You can also go to my web site.

15 Agenda / Planners Students are expected to complete their agenda daily. Please check and sign your child’s agenda daily. Completed work will have a checkmark next to it and homework will be circled.

16 AIMS This is the first year your child will be taking the AIMS test.
(Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards) The curriculum I teach has been aligned with this test in mind Test is in April 12 – 15.Make sure your child is at school.

17 Grades Your child will receive a letter grade this year for each subject on their report card. The grading scale is based on percentages as follows: 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89%= B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69%= D 59% and below = F They will continue to receive E (Excellent), S (Satisfactory), I (Improving), N (Needs Improvement), and U (Unsatisfactory) in special area classes. Log into power grade to see your child's grades.

18 Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Be respectful and responsible. Be organized and follow directions. Be on time. Be prepared. Working towards independence in third grade.

19 Field Trips We are in the planning stages for field trips for this year we will let you know. Parent volunteers are encouraged and a welcome help. Some times we are limited, by the facility, as to the number of parents who can attend.

20 Contact Mrs. Williams Email is the best way Notes from home Agenda
We can always set up meetings during my prep or before/after school

21 Classroom Handbook Found online on my website
Please review the handout and return signed portion

22 As Always….. Thank you for your support

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