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Spread of Islam.

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1 Spread of Islam

2 Sufi movement within Islam incorporated mysticism with a trend toward evangelism
Less emphasis on strict interpretation of traditional texts and laws Emphasized emotional religious experience Healer

3 Ulama Stressed restrictive conservatism with Islam
Especially with religious schools Especially concerning scientific inquiry Emphasized strict interpretation of laws and religious text

4 1258 Baghdad invaded by Mongols Political center will change
Baghdad will take a back seat to Cairo in the East Istanbul to the North

5 Trade Master of vast trading network
Abbasid Muslim traders will reestablish trade routes after fall of the Roman and Han empires With the collapse of the Abbasid dynasty- Egypt will become center of trade.

6 Desire to protect trading interests was the excuse of the initial move into India during the Umayyad dynasty

7 South Asia (India) Will first move into India when pirates attack and threaten Arab trade. At first only along coast Brought little change Religious toleration Local officials retain titles Status of Brahman caste respected Arabs lived apart Little attempt at first of conversion Hindus and Muslim will have conflict Hindus use to nomadic invaders who stay assimilate Muslims first to bring in religion and did not want to change or assimilate

8 Difference between Islam invasion of India and others
First time India will have a large scale group of invaders whose civilization is as sophisticated as their own

9 Islam will be introduced to India through
Merchants Sufi mystics Carry message of Islam during a time when Buddhism had decline Trend toward evangelism Appeal to lower caste because of egalitarian

10 Delhi Sultanate Delphi Sultanate
Under Mahmud Ghazi will move into interior defeat the disorganized Hindus Established their kingdom in Delphi under rule of a Sultan Delphi Sultanate Islam will spread throughout much of northern India for 200 years. Many Hindus will hold on to their beliefs Sultan offended and will do best to convert Non Muslims had to pay a tax Also Sultans capable of religiously motivate destruction

11 New Muslim rulers remained largely separated from Hindu subjects
Hindus worked in administrative but lived apart from their rulers Social prejudice- found in caste system infiltrated Islam in India Arabs considered “high caste” Muslim rulers violated the Quran by claiming to be of divine descent

12 Islam will not be as accepted in India as it was in other areas.
Will treat Hindus and Buddhists as dhimmis- people of the book India will not convert to Islam in large numbers. Hindu will respond to Muslims by placing greater emphasis on devotional cults

13 In India, Muslims will Adopt the social stratification of Hindu castes
Attitudes toward women Practices of Hindu rulers Taste for India food and games

14 Differences between Hindus and Muslims
Gods Polytheism Monotheism Social System Caste system All equal under God Cow Sacred animal food Beliefs Universal & exclusive Tolerant of other beliefs and even mixed with other beliefs Overall Socially more restrictive Religiously more restrictive

15 Islam will stress egalitarianism of all believers
Hinduism embraced the caste social system

16 Despite difference between Hindus an Islamic cultures, amazing amount of progress under Sultans
Colleges Irrigation systems improved Mosques built with aid of Hindu architect & artists Many will convert- some genuine, some because it may life easier More will convert to Islam in Northern India than in Southern India where a vast majority will continue Hindus customs

17 Indian Influences on Islamic Civilization
Indian Learning Hindu mathematics- algebra /geometry Use of numerals of Hindu scholars Medicine to music Physicians brought to Baghdad Arabian Nights tales may be based on Indian stories Game of chess

18 Timur the Lame Mongols will under Timur the Lane will invade India
Will destroyed just about everything in sight Massacred thousands Just as quickly swept out The sultanate was destroyed but will eventually be restored Islam had continued to grow in India next few centuries under Mogul Empire, even Hindu hung to their beliefs Timur the Lame

19 Southeast Asia Islam spread from In Southeast Asia
commercial contacts and conversions than from military victories Sufi mystics and traders carried Islam to port cities in southeast Asia. From which spreads to other regions In Southeast Asia New Faith did not gain widespread popularity in strong Buddhist and Hindu areas. Did not make headway in areas away from the coast Islands of Indian Ocean were receptive to new faith Familiar with Islam from trading contacts Buddhism and Hinduism will remain popular but Islam will establish a stronghold in Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines

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