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WWII Terms Alliance Appeasement Democracy Fascism Imperialism

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Terms Alliance Appeasement Democracy Fascism Imperialism"— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Terms Alliance Appeasement Democracy Fascism Imperialism
Isolationism Propaganda Totalitarianism

2 WWII Terms – Definitions
Alliance – A union or association of nations that is set up to further the common interests of its members Appeasement – A policy of give in in to the demands of a hostile power to avoid conflict

3 WWII Terms – Definitions
Democracy – A government in which the power and authority rest with the people. Fascism- A political philosophy that calls for the glorification of the nation above the individual, a centralized government headed by a dictatorial leader

4 WWII Terms - Definitions
Imperialism- The practice of seeking the extension of a nation’s control by acquiring new territory. Isolationism- The belief that a nation should stand alone and not get involved in the affairs and conflicts of other nations.

5 WWII Terms - Definitions
Propaganda- Media that supports the spread of ideas for the purpose of helping or damaging a cause. It influences people to accept a certain point of view by appealing to their emotions rather than their rationality Totalitarianism – A form of government in which the government is supreme and individuals have few rights. Total control of the government rests in the hands of one or a few people.

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