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To ensure inclusion, freedom, and respect for all By Kathie Snow

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Presentation on theme: "To ensure inclusion, freedom, and respect for all By Kathie Snow"— Presentation transcript:

1 To ensure inclusion, freedom, and respect for all By Kathie Snow
Person First Language To ensure inclusion, freedom, and respect for all By Kathie Snow

2 Person First Language Person before their disability
Diagnosis first reflects prejudice

3 Examples of Person First Language

4 What is a disability? Medical diagnosis
Different definitions for service systems

5 Power of language Negative stereotypes Devaluing someone
“Sticks and stones…”

6 Inaccurate descriptors
“Handicapped” Archaic term Evokes negative images Generic descriptor “Disabled” Other associations “Defective” or “Damaged” “Special Needs” Other Terms?

7 Disability is not the “Problem”
“Problems” “Problems” actually reflect needs “Wrong”

8 A New Paradigm Disability is natural
Redefined as a “body part that works differently” Consequence of the environment How can we create a welcoming and accommodating environment?

9 Person First Language is Crucial
Share what a person needs if necessary Focus on “can” not the “can’t” It’s not “political correctness,” it’s good manners and respect In what situations might we use person first language in our daily lives?

10 Questions? Handout will be posted on Nelson.

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