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People and government.

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Presentation on theme: "People and government."— Presentation transcript:

1 People and government

2 Principles of Government

3 The state State = Country
Nation – a group of people who are united by common race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes religion

4 Essential features of a state
Population - people Territory – established boundaries Sovereignty – supreme and absolute authority within its borders Government – institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces laws

5 Theories of the origin of the state
Evolutionary Theory Force Theory Divine Right Theory Social Contract Theory

6 Purposes of government
Maintaining Social Order Providing Public Services Providing National Security Making Economic Decisions

7 Types of Government

8 Major Types of government
Autocracy – rule by one Totalitarian Dictatorship Absolute Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy Oligarchy – rule by a few Democracy – rule by many Direct Democracy Representative Democracy Libertarianism Liberalism

9 Characteristics of democracy
Individual Liberty Majority Rule with Minority Rights Free Elections Competing Political Parties

10 The soil of democracy Active Citizen Participation A Favorable Economy
Widespread Education Strong Civil Society A Social Consensus Active Citizen Participation – A Favorable Economy – Widespread Education – Strong Civil Society – A Social Consensus –

11 The formation of government

12 Government systems Unitary System Federal System Confederal System

13 Constitutions and government
Incomplete Guides A Statement of Goals A Framework for Government The Highest Law Incomplete Guides – A Statement of Goals – A Framework for Government – The Highest Law –

14 Politics and Government
Seeking Government Benefits Importance of Politics Special Interests Seeking Government Benefits Importance of Politics Special Interests

15 Governing in a complex world
Major Inequalities Among States Growing Interdependence Nonstate International Groups Major Inequalities Among States (Country) – Growing Interdependence – Non-state International Groups –

16 economics

17 The role of economic systems
What and how much should be produced? How should goods and services be produced? Who gets the goods and services that are produced? Economics seeks to answer these questions.

18 Economic Systems Tradidtional Planned Market Mixed

19 Traditional An economic system heavily influenced by habits, customs, and religious beliefs Characterized by very low unemployment rate Individual freedom is limited (roles of individuals are static from generation to generation)

20 Planned Government directly influences and vastly controls business practices due to ownership of natural resources and capital resources Considered synonymous with a communist economy

21 Market Privately owned factors of production (i.e., factories and machines) Prices are influenced by supply and demand Considered synonymous with a capitalist economy Individual’s purchasing decisions determines the types of products and services offered Minimal to no government involvement in business transactions

22 Mixed Privately owned factors of production (i.e., factories and machines) Prices are influenced by supply and demand An economic system that combines elements of all the other basic systems Considered synonymous with a capitalist economy Individual’s purchasing decisions determines the types of products and services offered Mixture of government involvement

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