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Stress How do you handle it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress How do you handle it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress How do you handle it?

2 What is Stress? Stress: Mental and/or physical tension.
Stressor: Anything that causes stress or tension. Stress Reducer: Any action or activity that relieves or reduces stress.

3 Is All Stress Bad? Not entirely
Necessary to keep us alert, vital, and interested in what we are doing. Too little = bored and depressed Too much = “burn out”, become ill or even die

4 Two Kinds of Stress Eustress: Good stress
Examples: Wedding, special date, birth of a baby, etc. Distress: Bad stress Examples: Death of a family member, divorce, injury, etc.

5 Signs of Stress Physical: How you look
Examples: Tired, busy, or injured Emotional: How you feel Examples: Uptight, anxious, depression Behavioral: How you act Examples: Extreme anger, hitting, nervous twitch, excessive crying

6 Causes of Stress School Family Friends Work Environment
Poor time management

7 Coping With Stress Self-awareness Acknowledge it Good diet
Regular sleep Exercise Laugh Relaxation Listen to music

8 Coping With Stress Interpersonal relationship skills
Building good relationships Effective communication Seek for understanding

9 Coping With Stress Time management skills Get organized Set priorities
Establishing routines Say “no” to things Make a “to-do” list Don’t procrastinate Take a break

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