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World Literature 1/31/12 Today you will Review homework from last week

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1 World Literature 1/31/12 Today you will Review homework from last week
Meet together in groups to gather and share info on “your” character Homework Pg and answering questions Africa Unit Grade consists of: homework (25%) , participation (15%), memoir (15%), oral test (45%)

2 Orleanna 1. Who is Orleanna writing to, and why can’t she stand the “scent” of Africa? 2. On pg. 89 Orleanna says, “Until then I thought I could have it both ways: to be one of them and also my husband’s wife.” What does she mean? How is her worldview changing? 3. Describe what it takes to “survive” in the Congo. 4. Why is Mama Tataba such a loss to Orleanna? 5. What was part of Kennedy’s political platform in 1960 (95)? 6. Why does Orleanna say, “It was beyond me to weigh such matters when my doorstep harbored snakes that could knock a child dead by spitting in her eyes” (96)? 7. In paragraph three on pg. 96, what is Orleanna’s view of God? 8. Why does Orleanna say Nathan has a “baptismal fixation” on pg. 96? 9. Describe what you learn about Nathan’s personality in this chapter. 10. Who is Job(97)? 11. What is Nathan’s decision about baptism and plural marriage? What does this show you about his worldview? 12.What does the second paragraph on pg. 98 tell you about Orleanna’s guilt?

3 Leah 1. How does Tata Boanda test Leah’s worldview (102-3). 2
Leah 1. How does Tata Boanda test Leah’s worldview (102-3)? 2. How do you know Leah loves the Congo? 3. How does Ruth May make friends (111)? What does this tell you about how she chooses to interact with another culture? 4. What is Leah realizing about the world (114-5)? Ruth May 1. What is Ruth May observing in the forest around their home and why does she call them the “Jimmy Crow boys”? 2. What does Ruth May find in the back of Eben Axelroot’s plane? 3. On pg. 120, the Belgian doctor tells Nathan, “Reverend, missionary work is a great bargain for Belgium but it is a hell of a way to deliver the social services.” What did he mean? 4. What is the doctor’s message to Nathan (120-22)? What do we learn about Nathan’s political beliefs (121)? 5. Why are the whites afraid of “the Jimmy Crow boys”?

4 Rachel 1. Describe Anatole and how he interacts with Nathan. 2
Rachel 1. Describe Anatole and how he interacts with Nathan. 2. What is a lenzuka? 3. What is Tata Ndu worried about? 4. Who is Tata Kuvudundu? 5. How does Nathan treat Orleanna (133) and what is her response (134)? Adah 1. Why is Adah presumed dead? 2. What is Tata Ndu’s interpretation of her “death”? Leah 1. Describe Nelson. 2. Why does Leah spend so much time thinking about Anatole? 3. What has Leah contracted (148)? 4. Why have more villagers begun coming to church (150)?

5 Ruth May 1. What superstitions do you see in this chapter? Rachel 1. What news do the Underdowns bring, both from the capital (Leopoldville) and America (161)? 2. What does Orleanna learn about the Mission League and their mission (164-5)? 3. “...I can’t risk losing precious ground by running away like a coward before we have made a proper transition” (168). Look at Orleanna’s assessment of Nathan on pg. 96 in paragraph four and analyze Nathan’s “tragic flaw.”  4. Why doesn’t Orleanna speak up about leaving the Congo (168)? 5. What is Nathan’s decision about leaving the Congo on pg. 169?

6 Character Meetings Please take the initiative to divide yourselves up equally among the six members of the Price family, the more info you have for each character, the better off everyone will be for the Oral Test. Each group Discuss your character’s personality and define their worldview Find examples for each in the text Discuss how your character is/isn’t changing in the Congo Find examples in the text

7 GRAD Reading & Writing 1/31/12
Today you will Finish the MCA pretest Review the skills you need to work on Have study time (if you work responsibly)

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