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By: Matthew, Kristofer , Tia, George, Genesis

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1 By: Matthew, Kristofer , Tia, George, Genesis
HIV / AIDS By: Matthew, Kristofer , Tia, George, Genesis

2 How is HIV/AIDS Contracted or Spread?
Hiv is only contracted by sexual contact or sharing needles with a person who carries hiv. HIV can also be contracted by open wounds or blood transfusion.


4 Can HIV/AIDS be cured? No, HIV/AIDS can’t be cured however it can be treated many different ways to be control. As a result, many people with HIV/AIDS are living much longer with this treatments and even a healthy life. Scientists also have tried giving babies born to HIV positive mothers early treatment to stop HIV hiding in their body and to prevent it from spreading. With the treatments that now a day exist the medicine can slow down the growth of the virus. Although this treatments don’t eliminate the virus from the body, they keep the amount of the virus in the blood low.



7 Youtube video

8 Who should be blame individual or society ?
It’s all the individuals fault because they can get advice from others like young individuals can get the information from their parents or in general an adult who has knowledge on HIV and when being told and exposed about HIV individuals still decides to spread because they can be sexually active. Also they can decide to use the same needle. Even if they don’t know that they have HIV every time the have a sexual partner they should check in with the doctor each time they do.

9 Others may say… That its society fault because The Health department can spread the word and have more ads around exposing teens to what can happen if a individual maybe carrying HIV and not know it and to be more safe on what you do with your partner.

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