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Intro to Programming Review for Quiz.

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1 Intro to Programming Review for Quiz

2 Learning Objectives Understand how to develop quality algorithms
Be able to interpret a compressed file format and create a drawing. Be able to create a program in Scratch that demonstrates that you can use/modify sprites, incorporate looks and user input, …

3 Algorithm Review Algorithms are not a special type of operation, necessarily. They are conceptual, a set of steps that you take in code to reach a specific goal. Algorithms have been commonly defined in simple terms as "instructions for completing a task". They've also been called "recipes".  In The Social Network, an algorithm is what Zuckerberg needed to make the precursor to Facebook work. Patterns for completing a task in an efficient way.

4 Create an algorithm for…
Putting three numbers in order low to high. Can it work for more than three numbers? Can it work for 100 numbers?

5 Create an image using the following code
2 1 3 5 8 7 13

6 Online part of Practice Quiz: Self-evaluate then turn in your final product Create a Scratch project named yourNameReviewMod1-4 with the following ____ A sprite for a horse, some sort of food and a person. (2 points) ____ The horse sprites change costumes (2 points) ____ It has a background that includes a fence (1 Point) ____ Uses a Pen (1 point) ____ The person will draw a square using a pen and a loop (3 points) ____ Edit the person costume (1 point) ____ Include background music (1 point) ____ Creative solution (2 points) ____ Shows your Best Effort (2 points) ____ Bonus (up to 1 point each) Score one point each time the person contacts the food Gives a comment of pain whenever the person contacts the horse Background changes to an end game when the person has scored 10 or more points.

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