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Evaluation Update August 28, 2012

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1 Evaluation Update August 28, 2012
Armada Area Schools “Over 100 years of caring”

2 How did we get here? Professional growth vs. traditional eval process
‘Menu’ of options to choose from during ‘focus’ and ‘non-focus’ years Evaluation committee comprised of reps from each school (selected by peers), admin from each level

3 Resources, Timelines, More
Web resource for questions- Timelines for: Peer to Peer- Upload reflection to STAGES by Christmas break, Tax Day Recorded Lessons- Upload reflection to STAGES by Christmas break, Tax Day

4 Timelines…cont. Action Research- Topic by Oct. 1st, updates around Christmas break, Tax Day Upload evidence on STAGES by Tax Day Lesson Study- Topic by Oct. 1st, updates around Christmas break, Tax Day

5 Data & Evaluation- First 50%
Assessment Data Breakdown 5% from state tests (MEAP, MME) 10% from professional responsibilities (SADD sponsor, supervising dances/events, etc) 15% from local assessments (TBD) 20% from national assessments (NWEA) 50% of evaluation using data

6 The other 50%... ‘Administrator’ Portion 10% Planning for Learning
10% Classroom environment 10% Teacher Instruction 10% Professional Responsibilities, Conduct 10% Menu Choice (peer to peer, recorded lessons, etc) or portfolio 50% from Danielson’s Domains & Menu Choice

7 Using Local Data Intent to utilize local assessments that are useful, in place whenever possible The assessment should be valid, reliable and consistent for dept./grade level Format must be agreeable by all parties

8 Your help is needed Complete worksheet with grade level or dept in the next 30 minutes Share out on sticky notes on paper around the room Feedback will be used to guide eval committee moving forward

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