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Assets vs Liabilites.

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Presentation on theme: "Assets vs Liabilites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assets vs Liabilites

2 What key qualities help people to overcome challenges?

3 Create a list of people that you know that have overcome considerable challenges. (can be a celebrity) List the qualities these individuals possess that enable them to overcome great odds.

4 Anticipation Guide Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following 6 statements, and be prepared to defend your opinion with WHY

5 Anticipation Guide A person with a handicap has a lesser quality of life You will never rise above your “station in life” / social status You learn more from your failures than from your successes How you feel about others is tied to how you feel about yourself The geeks shall inherit the earth You will find happiness where you look for it

6 Principles of Asset Building
All children and youth need assets Research shows that young people, regardless of gender, age, family composition, race or ethnicity can benefit from having more assets Relationships are key Building assets calls upon every single person to build relationships with young people that are positive and caring Everyone can build assets

7 In an asset building community, everone works at developing caring relationships with young people
Asset building is an ongoing process. All young people need their assets nurtured every day Delivering consistent messages is crucial For asset building to be woven into the fabric of community life, it needs to be reinforced everywhere. That means in homes, schools, places of employment, clubs, etc. Duplication and replication are necessary Young people need as many asset building experiences as possible

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