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Name:______________________________________________ Date:________________ Block:_________ Traits homework: You will be analyzing the traits for an organism.

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Presentation on theme: "Name:______________________________________________ Date:________________ Block:_________ Traits homework: You will be analyzing the traits for an organism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name:______________________________________________ Date:________________ Block:_________ Traits homework: You will be analyzing the traits for an organism. You may create an imaginary organism, or draw a real organism. For your organism, please list 10 traits, then describe the different alleles (dominant or recessive) which are possible for that trait. Use coin flips (heads= dominant, tails= recessive) to determine genotypes. List the phenotypes. Draw a portrait of your organism on the back of this sheet. Use a minimum of four different colors in your illustration. Circle or underline the allele your organism displays. Trait Allele 1 description (symbol) Allele 2 description (symbol) Genotype (coil flip results) Phenotype For one trait, please predict how common you think that allele would be in your observed population and why. ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

2 Organism name:__________________________________
Illustration (4 color minimum): Please explain why you chose the name you did for your organism. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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