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Manic Magee Project By: Matt.

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1 Manic Magee Project By: Matt

2 He meets the Beals and they
become his new family . CLIXMAX He ran away again. He ran away. RISING ACTION FALLING ACTION He hated his aunt and uncle. He came back. EXPOSITION RESOLUTION

3 Maniac Magee Maniac is a smart and adventurous kid. In the story he would run away and survive alone. Maniac was also athletic. He was always running and would never get tired. Maniac was even Kind in ways and he taught Grayson how to read.

4 Grayson Grayson is a kind friendly teachable man. One way he is teachable is it was easy for Maniac to teach him how to read. He was kind by letting Maniac stay in his apartment. If I were manic I would love to stay with Grayson.

5 Amanda Amanda is a smart, sharing, and nice girl. In the book Amanda first meets Maniac in the road and lets him barrow a book. Then Maniac goes to her house and tells them he dose not have a family. Finally Maniac starts to live with her. She also loves to read in the book. She is always reading.

6 Conflict Resolution Maniac dose not like his aunt and uncle. Maniac runs away. Grayson can’t read. Maniac teaches him. Maniac unties the knot. Gets free pizza for life.

7 Personal Reflection I did not like this book because it was too confusing. It was hard to see who was talking and where they are right then. They also had too many people at once in the same chapter. The author should have split the chapters up better. I would not recommend this to people who like action books.

8 Theme The theme was to accept people for who they are and not judge them by their skin color. In the book it shows how people did not care what Maniacs skin color was, like when the Beals treated him like family even though they were black and he was white.

9 In the beginning Later In the beginning of the book Manic was Alone he never lived or stayed with a family after he ran away. After page 41 Manic started to live with different family


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