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No warm-up Pick up a brainstorming sheet from the front table and a computer (if you need it to complete the worksheet). We’ll work on the brainstorming.

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Presentation on theme: "No warm-up Pick up a brainstorming sheet from the front table and a computer (if you need it to complete the worksheet). We’ll work on the brainstorming."— Presentation transcript:

1 No warm-up Pick up a brainstorming sheet from the front table and a computer (if you need it to complete the worksheet). We’ll work on the brainstorming sheet for minutes before we start reviewing for the Unit 5 Test.

2 Review for unit 5 test



5 Amendments: match the amendment with the rights it contains
1st 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 14th Due process to all, even for state governments/laws Right to a speedy trial, impartial jury, an attorney Freedom of religion, assembly, press, petition, speech Due process, no self-incrimination, no double jeopardy No cruel and unusual punishment, or excessive fines/bail Protection against illegal search and seizure Rights in a civil trial, can sue someone for at least $20

6 Court cases Furman v. Georgia 1972 Marbury v. Madison 1803
Gideon v. Wainwright 1963 Gitlow v. New York Griswold v. Connecticut Marbury v. Madison 1803 McCulloch v. Maryland 1819 Gibbons v. Ogden Brown v. Topeka Board of Education 1954 Engel v. Vitale 1962

7 Court cases Regents of the University of California v. Bakke 1978
Grutter v. Bollinger 2003 Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US 1964 In re Gault 1966 Korematsu v. US Loving V. Virginia Near v. Minnesota 1931 Mapp v. Ohio 1962 New Jersey v. TLO 1984

8 Court cases Miranda v. Arizona 1966 New York Times v. US 1971
Schneck v. US Roe v. Wade 1973 Tinker v. Des Moines 1969 United States v. Nixon 1974 Citizens United v. FEC Shelby v. Holder 2013 United States v. Windsor 2013 Riley v. California 2014

9 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Miss Smith has a trial for robbing her neighbor’s house, which is against a North Carolina law. State Criminal

10 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Mr. Garcia sues his doctor for injury from malpractice. Both Mr. Garcia and the doctor are from North Carolina. State Civil

11 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Miss Anderson, who lives in North Carolina, sues her insurance company from California, because they failed to pay for her covered damages in a recent hurricane. She is suing for $290,000. Fed. Civil

12 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Mr. Blue has a trial for driving while intoxicated, which is against North Carolina state law. State Criminal

13 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Mr. James uses his cell phone and his car to distribute illegal drugs in North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Fed. Criminal

14 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Mrs. Frank uses her position as a U.S. Postal Service worker to steal money and checks from the mail she is supposed to deliver. Fed. Criminal

15 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Mr. Morse is suing the hospital because he feels he’s been fired from his job as a nurse due to his participation in a political protest, which is his 1st Amendment right. Fed. Civil

16 State Criminal, State Civil, Fed. Criminal, or Fed. Civil
Mrs. Bart files for divorce from Mr. Bart. State Civil

17 Answer: Clerk of Court You’ve just turned 18 and decided you want to get married to your high school sweetheart. However, you don’t have the money to pay for a big wedding. Who can marry you outside of a church official? Options: Clerk of court Jury Probate court Traffic court District court Superior court Supreme court Appellate Court

18 Answer: District Court
After a year, you’ve realized you made a big mistake in marrying your high school sweetheart. You’ve decided to get a divorce. Who will you appear before to regain your “freedom?” Options: Clerk of court Jury Probate court Traffic court District court Superior court Supreme court Appellate Court

19 (Answer: Traffic Court)
Now that you are newly divorced, you’ve started dating again. You are running late to pick up your date and get pulled over for going 58 in a 35 mph zone. Who will you appear before to take care of your speeding ticket? Options: Clerk of court Jury Probate court Traffic court District court Superior court Supreme court Appellate Court

20 (Answer: Superior Court)
You haven’t been having a lot of luck with your recent dates, and you’ve decided to attract someone really classy you need a fancy car. Since you are broke, you make the bad decision to steal your neighbor’s Porsche! You are caught and arrested. Who will hear your case? Options: Clerk of court Jury Probate court Traffic court District court Superior court Supreme court Appellate Court

21 (Answer: Appellate Court)
You want to challenge the decision because the jury was biased against you. Your lawyer says you have evidence to prove it and writes a brief. Where is there a panel of three judges that will read his brief? Options: Clerk of court Jury Probate court Traffic court District court Superior court Supreme court Appellate Court

22 No warm-up For the test you’ll need a pen or pencil, and a blank sheet of notebook paper.

23 After the test… Work on your paper brainstorming sheet (it’s due by the end of the class period tomorrow)

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