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Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School Primary 5 & 6 Meet The Parents Session

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1 Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School Primary 5 & 6 Meet The Parents Session

2 Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School
Year Head (P5 &P6) Mdm Yang Tzy Shing School main line: ext 222 (7am-5.30pm) Class Class Mentors 5 Care Mdm Zarena Mr Steven Lim 5 Diligence Mrs Michelle Tan Mr Jeremy Loy 5 Excellence Miss Adeline Tan Mr Hatta 5 Honesty Miss Doreen Sin Miss Teo Xiwen Mdm Sandra Ang 5 Resilience Mr Daniel Goh Miss Renuka Class Class Mentors 6 Care Miss Angelin Chan Mr Eric Wu 6 Diligence Mr Ben Koh Mdm See Soo Peng 6 Excellence Mdm Meredith Goh Ms Inderjeet Kaur 6 Honesty Mdm Sarimah Mr Durai 6 Resilience Mrs Jessie Ang Mdm Nadiah Any concern or query with regards to level programme or concern of your child, parent can reach me at my or school main line extension. A team of dedicated and experienced teachers serving the needs of the p5 & p6 students, and support them in their journey towards Secondary School. PSLE gives your child the entry point a secondary education. We will help your child to build the foundation of literacy and numeracy and moved on to higher learning. Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

3 Joyful Learning Experiences for P5
CCE Camp (Intergeneration Mentoring Programme) Overseas LJ to Hong Kong Neighbourhood Recyclables Collection NE show Social Studies Field-based learning to NEWater Plant Road Safety Traffic Games Drama Appreciation LJ Science LJ Outdoor Adventure Camp

4 Joyful Learning Experiences for P6
CCE Camp (Mindfulness Breathing) Bonding Day National Education LJ to CBD Social Studies Field-based Learning to Asian Civilization Museum Service Learning to All Saints Home Post - PSLE Programme Dining and Social Etiquette cum Graduation Lunch Secondary School Experiences Sport Enrichment Programme Music Enrichment Programme

5 Social Emotional Learning Experiences
Learning focus Activity Self management and Social Skills School-Based CCE period Cherish Time period Form Teacher Guidance Period Learning Camp Motivation Talk by Ex-students and Counsellor Cyber-wellness Assembly Talk School Assembly Talk / Year Head Talk: School Discipline, Study skills, Safety talk Multiple Intelligence Data Assessment Skills (MIDAS) Growing Years (Sed) Continuous Learning: to attain goals , Having a sense of purpose in life Personal Accountability: Able to be accountable for one's attitude, words and actions Responsible decision making : Able to identify and analyse situations as well as reflect upon the implications of decision made based on personal moral and ethical considerations Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

6 Holistic Health Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School Sports Activity
P5: Volleyball, Ball games P6: Tchoukball, Ball games Fitness Friday : Mass Exercise Workout Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

7 Holistic Health Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School Aesthetics Activity
P5 paper Quilling Resonator bars, Xylophones, Recorder P6 Graffiti Art Art and Music Assembly Programme Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

8 Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School
Exams Dates TT1 25 Feb – 5 March SA1 14-17 May TT2 (P5) 20-24 August (tentative) Prelim (P6)* Direct School Admission (P6) July-November PSLE Oral 16-17 August (tentative) PSLE Listening 14 September (tentative) PSLE written papers 27 Sep - 3 Oct (tentative) SA2 (P5) TBC Appeal to parents not to arrange for overseas holiday trip during curriculum time. P6 Prelim weighting is 100%. It is a good indicator for the school the address learning gaps before PSLE. Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

9 There are multiple pathways for

10 Direct School Admission to Secondary School (DSA)
Allow participating secondary schools to select some Primary Six students for admission to Secondary One. The selection will be based on their achievements and talents before the PSLE results are released. DSA is optional More information: Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

11 Primary Five Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School Weekly Remediation Programme
Monday 2.15-3pm Mathematics / F. Mathematics 3-3.45pm Mother Tongue / F. Mother Tongue Languages 3.45pm-4.45pm Higher Mother Tongue Langauges Wednesday English Language /F. English Language Science /F. Science Teachers assign meaningful homework. Not more than 30 min(avg) per subject per day. Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

12 Primary Six Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School Weekly Remediation Programme
Monday 2.15-3pm English / F. English Language 3-3.45pm Science / F. Science Wednesday Mathematics / F. Mathematics Mother Tongue / F. Mother Tongue Languages 3.45pm-4.45pm Higher Mother Tongue Languages * All P6 Students will stand down from CCA after June Holidays Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

13 PSLE Preparation Booster
Rise and Shine (Study) March – Sep (Mon – Fri : 7.15 am to 7.40am) Targeted Programmes Feb – Sep ( Thu – Fri: 2.15pm – 3.45pm) (For Selected Students only) Learning Camp I June Learning Camp II Sep * P6 students will stand down from CCA after June Holidays Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

14 3-Tiered Support System
Tier 3- Intensive Individualised support Tier 2- Targeted Support Remediation Programe Rise and Shine Learning Camps CDAC Math School-based customized programme CL writing enrichment programme Study Clinic with subject teachers In class support by AED(T&L) External Competitions for High Progress Students Withdrawal sessions by AED(LBS) Counselling sessions by counsellor Tier 1- Core curriculum

15 How to support your child at home?
Practicing the S.A.F.E Tips Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School



18 Guide Child to develop good Study Habits at home
Do’s Don’ts a Use a To-Do list to provide a structure. Leave it free and easy for the child. b Use a time-table/schedule and follow through consistently. Let the schedule be available and follow only when feel like it. c Ensure sufficient sleep by enforcing a time to store away gadgets. Let child keep the gadget with her during sleeping time. d Set proper rules for use of gadgets, e.g. deposit the gadget at a designated place during study time Let child play with gadget at her pleasure.

19 Do’s Don’ts e Be patient with child and remember to give time for good habits to form. Based on research it takes 90 days to form new habits. Be consistent to guide the child. Be discouraged and give up on the child too quickly. f Guide the child how to organise her filing system and packing of school related materials at home Trust the child fully to do it by herself.

20 Filing System Use multi-tiered trays. Label the trays : Homework To complete / Home work completed / To file Use clear pocket books, and multi pocket files. Use file sorters. Label according to subjects. Transfer to arch files.

21 Physical environment- Study Area
Good lighting Comfortable chair & table Have everything ready Positive messages around study area Gather positive notes from family members – eg. You can do it! Aim for the Stars Physical environment as third teacher Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School


23 Use a Reward System at home to Reinforce Learning
Do’s Don’ts a Use reward system initially to get the child started. Use this method more than 6 months as the novelty will wear off. The child may be over-reliant on external rewards to learn over long periods of use. b Give the tokens/stars consistently according to specific targets. Give randomly for goals which are not targeted. E.g. rewarding a child who did well in Spelling, when the target is following the schedule.

24 Do’s Don’ts c Discuss with child the kind of preferred rewards. The rewards need not be costly. It is helpful to know the child’s language of love and reward accordingly. Buy expensive items for e.g. mobile phones, pets, game consoles.


26 Collaborate with Teachers
Do’s Don’ts a Teachers and parents can share their own observations about child’s strengths and weaknesses. Only look at the child’s weaknesses. b Teachers and parents can agree on a homework submission system. For e.g teachers initial after child copies homework and parents initial after child has completed homework. Leave it to the child to submit homework herself, when the child is not motivated to do it independently.

27 Do’s Don’ts c Effective consequences could be discussed when child consistently does not submit work. Let the child continue her undesirable habit.

28 The gradual release model of teacher responsibility


30 Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
All work and no play (physical activities) makes one imbalanced Eat healthy and balanced meals Snack healthily Exercise regularly to relax body & mind * Recommended by World Health Organisation Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

31 Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School
It takes a whole village to raise a child ~African proverb Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

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